Digitalization, Tourism Marketing, Culture and Community ReadinessAbstract
Digitalization is a big question about how the level of acceptance and adaptation. People's behavior and culture are also influenced by the development of the internet, especially in tourist areas, which have the potential to use it to meet their needs, shop online, sell to visitors and get important information that can increase the scale of their small businesses. However, of course this does not happen in Pamah Similir Hamlet - Telagah Village, where the community still has limited access to digitalization. Telagah Village is ready to face digitalization, but with some improvements in the factors that influence village marketing digitalization, namely irritation, credibility, interactivity, accessibility and transformative. This research was conducted on the application of digitalization. The purpose of this study was to analyze how much the influence factor of Village Marketing Digitalization is and how prepared the community is to face it. The results of this study indicate that all factors influencing Village Marketing Digitalization have a positive and significant effect on the Village Marketing Digitalization variable. The influencing factors are the Irritation, Credibility, Accessibility, Transformative, and Interactivity variables. From the Testing of the model, the largest direct influence is the transformative variable on the credibility variable with a Tstatistic of 22.259 and a P Value of 0.000, while the largest indirect influence is the accessibility variable on the credibility variable through the transformative variable with a Tstatistic of 18.755 and a P value of 0.000. The conclusion of this study shows that the Telagah Village Community is ready to accept the digitalization of their village marketing, although there are several priority obstacles in terms of signal reception and the size of the signal obtained, road infrastructure and network stability in the village.
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