
  • Cut Putri Mellita Sari Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia
  • Noviami Trisniarti Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia
  • Fanny Nailufar Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia




climate change, reforestation, metal exports, CPO, poverty, Indonesia


Global climate change presents serious challenges for Indonesia, especially since its economy heavily relies on the agricultural sector and the extraction of natural resources, including metal exports and palm oil. (CPO). This study aims to analyze the impact of climate adaptation strategies, metal exports, and palm oil on poverty reduction in Indonesia. Secondary data from the year 2000 to 2023 was analyzed using multiple linear regression. The research results indicate that reforestation, as a climate adaptation strategy, has a significant positive effect on increasing poverty, while CPO exports show a significant negative impact on poverty reduction. Conversely, metal exports do not have a significant impact on poverty. This finding shows that although reforestation has the potential to improve the environment, its implementation, which lacks attention to social aspects, can exacerbate poverty. The export of CPO, while providing positive economic impacts, needs to be balanced with sustainable practices to reduce negative effects on the environment. This research provides recommendations for policymakers to strengthen more inclusive and sustainable climate adaptation strategies to reduce poverty amid the challenges of climate change


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