Green Purchase Behavior, Attitude, Solar Photovoltaic, Consumer Perceived, Green EnergyAbstract
Indonesia's energy consumption increases annually, with a significant portion generated from fossil fuels. The environmental damage caused by fossil fuels, which has positioned Indonesia as the fourth-largest emitter of carbon, necessitates a transition towards renewable energy sources such as solar panels. Despite growing awareness of the benefits of solar panels, adoption rates among the general public remain relatively low. To address this, the government has mandated the implementation of renewable energy sources in various regions, including solar photovoltaic systems, which are well-suited to Indonesia's abundant solar radiation. However, the low uptake of solar panels suggests significant barriers to changing consumer behavior towards green purchasing. This study focuses on educated young people as a primary target group, given their potential to drive shifts towards more sustainable consumption practices. By exploring the purchasing behavior of university students across Indonesia, the study aims to identify factors influencing green purchasing decisions. Multiple regression analysis was employed to analyze data collected from students. Findings indicate that environmental concern and media exposure, mediated by price sensitivity, significantly influence green purchasing behavior. Conversely, environmental knowledge, epistemic value, social influence, and social support were found to have no significant impact. While curiosity about green energy information is increasing, it is often manifested as anthropocentrism, which leads to environmental degradation. Information technology, as a tool for green energy campaigns, has not yet been fully effective in driving the transition towards solar panel adoption. Participation in environmentally conscious communities can enhance awareness and concern, but the relationship between social support and purchasing behavior is complex and contradictory. This study aims to raise awareness among young consumers about their green purchasing behavior and provide insights for policymakers to develop effective strategies for promoting renewable energy adoption in Indonesia.
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