
  • Eni Duwita Sigalingging
  • Azhar Maksum
  • Rina Bukit
  • Muammar Khaddafi



Decision Making, Self Image/Firm Image, Overconfidence, Self Monitoring


The purpose of this study was to analyse the effect of self-image/firm image, overconfidence, and self- monitoring on stock investment making in Medan City. This research design is a sequential explanatory mixed method, which is a design where researchers first start by exploring qualitative data such as journal articles and actual things that happen in Medan City related to the variables under study and using the findings in the quantitative phase. In this study, the sampling technique was purposive sampling method. The sample of this study was 50 investors in Medan City. Data collection techniques with questionnaires using Google Form and analysed using the SmartPLS application. Research findings Self Image and Self Monitoring have a positive and significant effect on decision making because the P Value is smaller than 0.05. while Overconfidance has a significant positive effect on decision making because the P Value is smaller than 0.05. research limitations only test three psychological variables due to time constraints. This study cannot explain the impact of behavioural factors on investment decision making (low R squared value) and small sample size. Based on the findings obtained, this research provides valuable insights for individual investors


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