
  • Abdul Hadi
  • Asrid Juniar
  • Nadya Mahfuzhah
  • Sudirwo




Company Value, Environmental Disclosure, Social Disclosure, Governance Disclosure, ESG


Company value reflects the public's assessment of and trust in a company's performance. This study aims to test and analyze the influence of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) on corporate value in the food and beverage subsector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2020-2022 period with a total of 22 companies. A total of 66 samples were obtained through purposive sampling. The results show that the environmental disclosure variable has a lower influence on company value, whereas the governance disclosure variable has a significant positive influence. By contrast, the social disclosure variable has a negative and significant influence. This can reflect the optimization of a company's performance, especially related to social and environmental disclosures.


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