Proceedings of International Conference on Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities (ICoSPOLHUM) <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Proceedings of International Conference on Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities (ICoSPOLHUM) </strong>organized by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh. This conference will bring together academics, researchers, scientists, students and stakeholders from diverse backgrounds of expertise and different countries to present, share and address the issues in politics, law, education, and another field of social sciences.</p> <p><strong>The conference sub-themes are:</strong></p> <p>- Anthropology<br />- Sociology<br />- Communication Science<br />- Business Administration<br />- Public Administration/Public Policy<br />- Politics<br />- Law<br />- Education, and<br />-Economics</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> FISIP Universitas Malikussaleh en-US Proceedings of International Conference on Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities (ICoSPOLHUM) 2962-8482 <p>Authors retain the copyright and grant the proceeding the right of first publication<strong>. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0</a></strong> that allows others to share work with an acknowledgement of the works authorship and initial publication in this proceeding.</p> <p>All articles in this proceeding may be disseminated by listing valid sources, and the article's title should not be omitted. The content of the article is liable to the author.</p> <p>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the proceeding's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this prodeeding.</p> <p>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) before and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges and earlier and greater citation of published work.</p> <p>In the dissemination of articles, the author must declare the Proceedings of International Conference on Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities (ICoSPOLHUM) as the first party to publish the article.</p> Preface <p>.</p> . . Copyright (c) 2024 . . 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.399 Poisoning of Residents due to Gas Leaks in East Aceh in Environmental Law Perspective <p>The mass poisoning of residents due to the inhalation of gas from PT Medco E&amp;P Malacca's oil and gas well in the Block A area has sparked a debate in various circles in Aceh. Evacuations of residents from their villages have been carried out due to gas leaks and the presence of pungent odors. The public has accepted Medco E&amp;P Malacca's statement taking responsibility for the gas leaks and the resulting public health problems. Residents have also recognized the environmental impact of these gas leaks on air quality, water sources, and agricultural land.</p> Elidar Sari Tri Widya Kurniasari Arif Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 Elidar Sari, Tri Widya Kurniasari, Arif Rahman 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00001 00001 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.369 Handling Environmental Damage: A Descriptive Study of Socio-Ecological Approaches in Conserving Cunda’s River <p><em>The phenomena of environmental damage associated with local community culture, and policies of related agencies in an effort to prevent damage to the river environment. The study focuses on handling environmental damage, which reveals facts in a qualitative descriptive manner that incorporates elements of community, culture, and government policy with a socio-ecological approach. Research has been carried out in three sub-districts in Lhokseumawe City. The three sub-districts that are the research locations are densely populated areas. The data was analyzed inductively to reveal patterns of handling environmental damage to the river by carrying out an intrinsic assessment of the data through relevant sources and carrying out source checks with in-depth research. Carry out comparisons with other sources to strengthen the issues studied and analyze data by using an inductive-qualitative approach. The study found the aspect is an important basis for fostering an environmentally caring attitude in communities around the river. Studies also found that the impact of environmental damage on nature will produce more eccentric arguments. Thus, the socio-ecological approach is effective in building community awareness against damage to the natural environment while protecting water quality and threats to existing biota.</em></p> Fauzi Fauzi Nuriman Nuriman Aiyub Aiyub Iskandar Zulkarnen Copyright (c) 2024 Fauzi Fauzi, Nuriman Nuriman, Aiyub Aiyub, Iskandar Zulkarnen 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00002 00002 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.370 An Interpretation on Sharia, Islamic Nomocracy and the Muslim World: The Case of Aceh Special Region <p>Many ulemas, clerics and Islamic Scholars in the Muslim World look to Islamic Constitutionalism as their best chance of achieving justice, prosperity, and independence, as this article illustrates. Since "God is abstract, only God's laws are real," Many Islamic Scholars, clerics and Islamists argue that Islamic nomocracy, or power based on Allah's commandments, is the best form of government for Muslims. The term "Islamic law" is commonly used to refer to a political system founded on Islamic law (Shari'ah). Aceh's regional government administration system and the environment of implementing special autonomy for the Aceh Government have both changed dramatically since the passage of the UUPA (Aceh Government Law). When Aceh embraces Islamic law, it helps promote civilization because Sharia is applicable to more than only the judicial system. Politics, matrimony, religion, kinship, and muamalah are all fair game. The Islamic Sharia law has had a long and deep impact on Acehnese culture. Islamic teachings have been applied in the areas of worship, marriage, and inheritance since the Aceh sultanate, and as a result, these practises have permeated and infused themselves into people's daily lives and persist to this day.</p> Herdi Sahrasad Sahrasad Al Chaidar T Alfiady Copyright (c) 2024 Herdi Sahrasad Sahrasad, Al Chaidar, T Alfiady 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00003 00003 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.371 Belacan; Folklore, Cultural Conservation and Regional Promotion Based on Local Potential <p><em>Belacan</em> Pulau Kampai is one of the foodfolk that must be preserved. It is a specialty food that is an expression of the local indigenous of the local community and ancestral heritage that has been transmitted across generations. This article explores the existence of <em>belacan</em> and identifies constraints faced by the community of Pulau Kampai related to <em>belacan</em> production, as well as strategies for revitalizing business sustainability and conserving local wisdom. This research was conducted in Pulau Kampai Village, Pangkalan Susu District, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra Province. The data collection techniques were participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and document studies. The results showed that the obstacles faced by the community in conserving the culture of <em>belacan</em> production are the need for more availability of raw materials (<em>rebon</em> shrimp) for <em>belacan</em> processing due to conflicts of interest among the fishermen. Therefore, it is essential to establish a customary institution or instrument that regulates the division of catch areas among fishermen. It is important to note that cultural conservation efforts must also collaborate with various stakeholders, especially local communities.</p> Iromi Ilham Abdullah Akhyar Nasution Muh. Fahrudin Alawi Richa Meliza Ibrahim Chalid Wahyu Hasibuan Intan Syahira Alwi Alwi Copyright (c) 2024 Iromi Ilham, Abdullah Akhyar Nasution, Muh. Fahrudin Alawi, Richa Meliza, Ibrahim Chalid, Wahyu Hasibuan, Intan Syahira, Alwi Alwi 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00004 00004 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.372 The Effectiveness of Village Stand by Ambulance in Public Service in Kajuara, Bone Regency <p>This Research aims to discuss how the Village Stand by Ambulance is used by the community in Kajuara District, Bone Regency. Furthermore, this research also provides an overview of community on public service in the health sector by accelerating community access to referral centers, as a form of first aid. This research is initiated from the provision of Stand by Ambulance for village in almost all villages in Bone Regency. Thus, how is this implemented and used by the community. This research is descriptive qualitative research, which was carried out to describe the problem being research. The types of data used are primary and secondary data, obtained from informants and documents related to the problem studied. The informant of this research is the secretary of the Kajuara District, Bone Regency, all the Head of Villages in Kajuara District, Village community who have used the Village Stand by Ambulance. Data collection technique was through observation, interview, and documentation. From the research of analysis in the discussion, it can be concluded that from the indicator of target accuracy, it was found that the users of Village Stand by Ambulance increased from year to year.&nbsp; For indicator of Village Stand by Ambulance socialization, it is through village chief, then it will be announced during Friday prayers at each mosque in the village that there is a Village Stand by Ambulance which can be used to health service. From the purpose indicator, it is found that the village community feels helped by the presence of Village Stand by Ambulance, even though the fuel costs remain for the users.</p> Jusniaty Jusniaty Nurmiati Nurmiati Jumarni Jumarni Copyright (c) 2024 Jusniaty Jusniaty, Nurmiati Nurmiati, Jumarni Jumarni 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00005 00005 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.373 Conflict and Resistance in Oil Palm Corporation ; An Analysis of Corporate Relations, Labor, and The ‘Ninja’ Phenomenon at Aceh Tamiang <p>This paper discusses the situation of oil palm plantations in Kecamatan Seruway, Aceh Tamiang. In terms of historical trajectory, the plantations in Kecamatan Seruway have undergone various changes in land ownership, starting from the Dutch colonial era with rubber as the primary commodity, transitioning to involvement with DI/TII members, and eventually obtaining rights as Hak Guna Usaha (HGU) under the name of PT Mopoli Raya. Although some land is owned by the local community bordering the company's HGU, conflicts that arise tend to be related to labor rights perceived as commodities within the oil palm plantation. Using a descriptive qualitative research approach, the results of field research indicate that conflicts in Kecamatan Seruway are closely related to the relationship between the corporate plantation and its workers. While there have been some negotiation efforts by former members of the Oil Palm Workers Union regarding wages, production processes, and inhumane management practices, the primary conflicts appear to revolve around labor issues. However, the oil palm companies are deeply integrated into the daily life of the community, given the overlapping locations with their HGU areas. The presence of these companies has raised awareness that they should provide benefits to the community, whether through corporate social responsibility, local labor recruitment, or smallholder plantation schemes. The community recognizes the importance of playing a role in negotiations with the company, and formal village head positions are considered one means to enhance bargaining power in interactions with the company. However, the 'Ninja' phenomenon, which involves the theft of oil palm fruit within HGU areas, has emerged as a form of resistance to the perceived uneven distribution of benefits from the plantation. Overall, conflicts in Kecamatan Seruway are related to the relationship between the oil palm company and its workers, as well as the community's efforts to obtain benefits from the company's presence. The 'Ninja' phenomenon reflects resistance to the unequal distribution of benefits from the plantation</p> M. Nazaruddin Abdullah Akhyar Nasution Ade Ikhsan Kamil Awaludin Arifin Faizul Aulia Copyright (c) 2024 M. Nazaruddin, Abdullah Akhyar Nasution, Ade Ikhsan Kamil, Awaludin Arifin, Faizul Aulia 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00006 00006 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.374 Analysis Of Television Media Neutrality Ahead Of The 2024 Election <p>This paper aims to analyze the neutrality of television media in coverage ahead of the General Election (Election). Media neutrality is a fundamental principle in journalism that requires the media to provide balanced and objective information to the public. Elections are a critical period in a country's democratic life, and the quality of television media coverage can have a major effect on public perceptions and election outcomes. The research method used involved content analysis of various television channels operating during the election campaign period. The data collected includes news, interviews, and political programs broadcast on television. In this analysis, we will evaluate whether television media tend to provide neutral coverage or have political biases that may influence viewers' views. The results of this study can provide valuable insights into the extent to which television media maintain their neutrality in a political context. The results of this study can provide valuable insights into the extent to which television media maintain their neutrality in the political context. It will also help the public and other stakeholders to understand the influence of television media in the election process and whether there needs to be efforts to improve media integrity in the political context. As such, this research contributes to a better understanding of the role of the media in supporting a country's democratization process.</p> Muhammad Hafiz Kamaruddin Hasan Shafira Zahrina Sindi Khairani Desi Hariyani Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Hafiz, Kamaruddin Hasan, Shafira Zahrina, Sindi Khairani, Desi Hariyani 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00007 00007 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.377 Analysis of Intrapersonal Comunication in Enhancing Self-Wareness of College Students <p>Self-awareness of students in the context of intrapersonal communication refers to an individual's ability to understand, recognize, and respond effectively to their own thoughts, feelings, and personal reflections. This involves a deep understanding of their values, beliefs, goals, emotions, and self-motivation. Student self-awareness in intrapersonal communication also includes the ability to recognize how internal factors such as attitudes, perceptions, and worldviews influence their perception of the external world, social interactions, and decision-making. In an educational context, this self-awareness can help students identify their strengths and weaknesses, set academic goals, manage stress, and improve interpersonal communication skills. Therefore, student self-awareness through intrapersonal communication becomes a crucial foundation for personal, academic, and social development in a higher education environment. This research aims to analyze the role of intrapersonal communication in enhancing student self-awareness. Intrapersonal communication, which encompasses internal dialogue and self-reflection, is identified as a key factor in the development of individual self-awareness. In this research, we employed survey and interview methods to gather data from a group of students. The research findings reveal that effective intrapersonal communication has a positive impact on enhancing student self-awareness. This emphasizes the importance of understanding oneself and interacting with one's internal thoughts and feelings to achieve personal growth. This research provides valuable insights for higher education by integrating intrapersonal communication aspects into the curriculum to strengthen student self-awareness. In conclusion, intrapersonal communication is a key element in propelling students toward higher self-awareness, offering significant benefits for individual development in the context of higher education.</p> Adinda Romauli Simbolon Kamaruddin Hasan Risa Ananda Auliza Reifany S Dinda Amelia Ulfa Mahira Copyright (c) 2024 Adinda Romauli Simbolon, Kamaruddin Hasan, Risa Ananda, Auliza Reifany S, Dinda Amelia, Ulfa Mahira 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00008 00008 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.379 The Value of Local Wisdom Within The Acehnese Culture On Peusijuek Tradition <p>The research aims to investigate the value of local wisdom in the<em> peusijuek</em> tradition within the Acehnese culture. The literature method is the choice of this research. Literature study is a theoretical study, references and other scientific literature related to culture, values and norms that develop in the social situation under study. A qualitative approach is used to analyze data obtained from various scientific writings, books, research reports, and other reliable sources. The result of this research is that the<em> peusijuek</em> tradition is one of the traditional traditions of the Acehnese people which has been assimilated with Islamic teachings, so it is still maintained today. There are several elements that have been changed in the<em> peusijuek</em> procession, namely the mantras used in the <em>peusijuek</em> procession have been replaced with Arabic prayers. In the procession of <em>peusijuk</em> implementation, there are three most important things, namely, <em>peusijuek</em> tools and materials, movements or steps and prayers.</p> Aditya Ramadhan Kamaruddin Hasan Dimas Syahputra Aisyah Permata Misbahul Ummi Copyright (c) 2024 Aditya Ramadhan, Kamaruddin Hasan, Dimas Syahputra, Aisyah Permata, Misbahul Ummi 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00009 00009 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.380 Analysis Of Organizational Communication In Student Organizations Of Malikussaleh University In 2023 <p>Communication in the context of student organizations is a key element in ensuring the success and effectiveness of student activities at Malikussaleh University. Student organizations play an important role in shaping campus culture, facilitating member participation, and creating strong social networks. This research aims to understand the role and dynamics of communication in student organizations at Malikussaleh University. Specific objectives are to identify effective communication practices, identify challenges faced in student organization communication, and identify the implications of the research results for the improvement of communication practices. The research method used was a qualitative approach. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with members of student organizations, analysis of internal organizational documents, and participatory observation in organizational meetings and activities. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis method. The results revealed that communication in student organizations plays an important role in shaping organizational culture, facilitating coordination of activities, and increasing member participation. However, communication challenges include complex coordination, the need for effective communication between diverse members, and a better understanding of the role of communication. In the context of student organizations at Malikussaleh University, communication plays a vital role in organizational success. This study highlights the importance of understanding the dynamics of communication in student organizations and offers insights that can help improve the effectiveness of communication and the quality of experience of organizational members. The implications of this study can help student organizations in similar universities and institutions to design more effective communication practices.</p> Citra Puspita Kamaruddin Hasan M. Anggi D Harahap Ade Chalida Sabiha Bancin Eremi Jikwa Aldi Syahputra Copyright (c) 2024 Citra Puspita, Kamaruddin Hasan, M. Anggi D Harahap , Ade Chalida Sabiha Bancin, Eremi Jikwa, Aldi Syahputra 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00010 00010 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.381 Marketing Communication On The Tiktok Shop Application Among Housewives Of Gampong Simpang Empat Lhokseumawe <p>TikTok Shop is currently an online shopping medium. In the current era, TikTok is not only used by children or teenagers, even parents also use the application. The aim of this research is to find out how marketing communication occurs at the TikTok Shop among housewives. This type of research is qualitative research. This research was located in Gampong Simpang Empat Lhokseumawe, Aceh. With a housewife informant who is around 30 years old. The results of this research are that with the emergence of the TikTok Shop, this can be seen by making interesting content to attract housewives' attention to the content presented by the sellers in the TikTok Shop. It can be seen from the theory used by AISAS (attention, interest, search, action, share)</p> <p>TikTok shop marketing communications among housewives is still going well, although there are some mothers who still have difficulty using this feature. In this research, we can see the obstacles experienced by these housewives with various kinds of obstacles, and how these housewives overcome their obstacles, namely by looking for information about using the TikTok Shop application in order to make it easier for housewives to do their work. shop online in the application. Online shop sellers can use this TikTok shop feature to promote their goods or services to attract buyers, such as housewives.</p> Cut Aldini Dwi Fitri Kamaruddin Kamaruddin Masriadi Masriadi Copyright (c) 2024 Cut Aldini, Dwi Fitri, Kamaruddin Kamaruddin, Masriadi Masriadi 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00011 00011 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.382 Conventional Mass Media Versus New Media <p>Mass media is a means of communication that has a big influence in disseminating information, news and entertainment to the wider community. Mass media can be divided into two main categories, namely conventional mass media and new mass media. Conventional mass media includes newspapers, magazines, radio and television, while new mass media includes the internet, social media and digital platforms. Conventional mass media has existed for decades and has been the main source of information for society before the digital era. Newspapers and magazines print news and articles in print, while radio and television present news and entertainment programs via broadcast. Conventional mass media has control over the production and distribution of its content. On the other hand, new mass media is the result of developments in digital technology. The internet, social media, and digital platforms allow individuals to generate, access, and disseminate information more easily. New mass media offer greater interactivity, allowing users to participate in discussions, create content, and share their views. Both types of mass media have a significant impact in shaping public opinion, influencing culture, and facilitating global communication. However, both have differences in terms of control, distribution speed, and interaction. With the development of technology, new mass media increasingly dominate the media landscape, but conventional mass media still plays an important role in providing in-depth news and quality production. Given these changes, a deeper understanding of these two types of media is important for navigating the ever-evolving information age.</p> Farhan Wahyudi Pratama Kamaruddin Hasan Raudhatul Jannah Erika Zahara Amanda Syafitri Copyright (c) 2024 Farhan Wahyudi Pratama, Kamaruddin Hasan, Raudhatul Jannah, Erika Zahara, Amanda Syafitri 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00012 00012 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.383 Meaning Analysis Show Art Top Daboh and Dance Tarek Pukat <p>Tarek Pukat is a form of art which is a form of culture resulting from the thoughts, thoughts and concepts of the coastal communities of Aceh. Top Daboh is an art performance that uses masks and dance. Masks in Indonesian culture are often used as symbols of mythological characters or creatures. Therefore, the author is interested in analyzing the meaning of the top daboih art and the meaning of the Tarek pukat dance. The method used is a qualitative method. This research carries out direct interaction in collecting data on subjects and objects in this research. Collecting data yourself through documentation, observation and interviews. In general, this research uses data collection techniques using four techniques, namely a. Literature study, b. Observation, c. Interviews and Documentation. The meaning of the forms displayed in Tarek Pukat has a message and depiction of the unity and togetherness of the coastal communities of Aceh. that the creativity of the Acehnese people in making fishing nets by working together to help each other to find the necessities of life for the people of coastal Aceh can also be said that the Tarek Pukat performance is a form of representation of the Acehnese people. Top Daboh and Tarek Pukat are art forms that contain meanings of Indonesian culture and traditions. The meaning contained in the poem is more related to makrifat knowledge. In this poem there are da'wah values which are also found in the banging and slamming of the daboih instrument on the body of the daboih participant, this becomes the rhythm that is swung in unison with the rapai hit by the daboih player.</p> Icut Susanti Kamaruddin Hasan Nova Elizawati Nur Aini Tuti Hartini Ary Dendy Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 Icut Susanti, Kamaruddin Hasan, Nova Elizawati , Nur Aini , Tuti Hartini , Ary Dendy Setiawan 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00013 00013 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.384 Analysis of Interpersonal Communication in Online Dating-Based Couples Using the Application "Bumble" <p>There are different types of applications that can be used by smartphone users. Like online transportation, online magazine, online shop or find the latest information. Even dating needs are now available in the application. With the development of technology that supports the internet, online dating application-based partner search began to be known, downloaded and used by smartphone users. Users of online dating applications who want to find a partner do not have to meet directly with other users, but interact like exchanging messages through applications using smartphones, ranging from finding a partner to dating. Smartphone users can download online dating apps and find a partner more easily by first getting to know each other online. One of the online dating apps that is the focus of this research is the Bumble application. This study discusses the process of interpersonal communication in couples using the online dating application Bumble. This study used qualitative methods by conducting interviews with informant pairs. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that interpersonal communication occurs in couples who use the &nbsp;Bumble &nbsp;application from the process &nbsp;of interpersonal penetration and the effectiveness of communication formed, then after going through the relationship will continue the process in maintaining the relationship to become a stable &nbsp;relationship.</p> Mela Anggraini Kamaruddin Hasan Fatin Syahira Hakim Tamir Muhammad Alma Arif Copyright (c) 2024 Mela Anggraini, Kamaruddin Hasan, Fatin Syahira, Hakim Tamir, Muhammad Alma Arif 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00014 00014 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.385 Analysis of the Phenomenon of Digital Communication Disease on Interpersonal Communication Disorders among Millennial <p>Digital communication has a big influence on interpersonal communication. The development of communication technology in the current millennial era has brought many changes in the value of information communication and interpersonal communication so that the process of acceptance, assumptions, and feedback is increasingly minimalist. Frequent communication via digital technology also has an impact on interpersonal communication practices and performance. It creates many new opportunities as well as negative challenges for interpersonal communication in the millennial era, which is filled with various digital technologies. This research aims to analyze the impact of digital communication on interpersonal communication disorders to highlight the opportunities and ills of digital communication brought by modern communication technology. The library method was chosen for this research, and bibliometric methods play an important role in forming the theoretical basis and conceptual framework. A comprehensive literature review related to mass media trends, digital technology, and information assumptions was conducted to understand the changes that occurred. Qualitative methods are used to analyze data obtained from various scientific articles, books, research reports, and other reliable sources. The research results show that digital communication in the millennium era has caused significant harm to interpersonal communication in various aspects, including information consumption patterns, social interactions, and forms of communication.</p> Munawarah Munawarah Kamaruddin Hasan Niswatul Khaira Cut Zuhira Cut Filda Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Munawarah Munawarah, Kamaruddin Hasan, Niswatul Khaira, Cut Zuhira, Cut Filda Sari 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00015 00015 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.386 Analysis of Z Generation Group Communication Dynamics in the Digital Era <p>The communication dynamics of Generation Z groups continue to develop along with changes in technology and social dynamics. Studying how they communicate helps us understand how digital technology influences their social and cultural interactions. This research aims to analyze the communication dynamics of the Generation Z group in the digital era. Generation Z consists of individuals born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, growing up in a highly digital environment. This study explains how digital technology influences communication patterns, including social media, instant messaging, and other online platforms, in shaping Gen Z's identity and social interactions. The research results show that Generation Z has unique communication characteristics, such as a preference for written communication. Creating digital content creatively and a tendency to participate in social movements and online activism. In the digital era, Generation Z's communication dynamics are becoming increasingly complex, affecting relationships, culture, and politics. This study provides important insights into the role of technology in shaping adolescent communication in the digital era.</p> Ulfa Musfirah Hanisa Larasakti Hairunnisa Putri Aurora Nst Nurul Tazkiyah Copyright (c) 2024 Ulfa Musfirah, Hanisa Larasakti , Hairunnisa Putri Aurora Nst, Nurul Tazkiyah 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00016 00016 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.389 National Interest within the Capital City Relocation Project State-Centered Theory Analysis <p>The Indonesian government's proposal to relocate the Capital City (IKN) from Jakarta to East Kalimantan has faced various objections from different sectors. Nevertheless, the government has proceeded with the IKN relocation project despite in criticisms and opposition. This article provides a policy analysis of the IKN relocation using a qualitative approach and state-centered theory assumptions such as national interests, state autonomy, and limitations. The findings indicate that the IKN relocation policy aligns with various state-centered theory assumptions. Although there is public debate and political dynamics among political parties in parliament, there are clear indications of state autonomy in the IKN relocation policy. The state's ability to consolidate executive-legislative power in the IKN relocation policy. However, the state does not have absolute autonomy. There are limitations in realizing the state's interests in the IKN relocation, which must ultimately serve national interests.</p> Khairurrizqo Khairurrizqo Copyright (c) 2024 Khairurrizqo Khairurrizqo 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00017 00017 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.390 Crafting Identities: Instagram's Role in Self-Representation among Sociology Students at Malikussaleh University with Dual Accounts <p>This study examines social media Instagram as a student self-representation tool. This study focuses on images displayed by students of the Sociology study program, Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science, Universitas Malikussaleh on Instagram accounts. The theoretical perspective used in this study is a process in which (meanings) are produced using the (language) proposed by Stuart Hall. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method with descriptive analysis through observation, interviews, and documentation to describe and obtain information that students do to represent themselves through Instagram social media. The findings from this study indicate that students use two Instagram accounts to express themselves differently and show a different side of themselves. The images on the two Instagram accounts can vary depending on the purpose and context they want to convey. The images built by students on two Instagram accounts are intellectual, self-image through photography, motivator images, and fashion and lifestyle images. Self-representation of students on two Instagram accounts is a way for students to present or express themselves to other Instagram users through photos, videos, captions, profile descriptions, and posts that reflect their interests, personalities, and daily life activities. The forms of self-representation on Instagram are representation of self-image on social media, representation of students with natural scenery themes through photography, representation of active students outside of academics, representation of students active in campus activities, and representation of inspiring students on social media.</p> Fatia Rezi Cut Rizka Al Usrah Fakhrurrazi Fakhrurrazi Dini Rizki Copyright (c) 2024 Fatia Rezi, Cut Rizka Al Usrah, Fakhrurrazi Fakhrurrazi, Dini Rizki 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00018 00018 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.391 Indigenous Language Diversity on Simeulue Island <p>This study aims to describe the diversity of indigenous languages that exist on the island of Simeulue. This island is often also called Simalur Island which is located on the west coast of Aceh province. Administratively the island itself is a district, namely Simeulue district which consists of 10 districts. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach using field investigation and document review methods. Interviews were conducted with the chairman of the Aceh Traditional Council of Simeulue district as well as community leaders and traditional elders in the city of Sinabang. The results of the study show that on this island there are 3 native languages of Simeulue Island, namely Devayan, Sigulai, and Leukon. The Devayan language is spoken in the widest area, covering the districts of East Simeulue, West Teupah, South Teupah, Central Teupah and Teluk Dalam. The Sigulai language is spoken in the West Simeulue, Alafan, and Salang sub-districts. Meanwhile, the Leukon language is only spoken in 2 villages in the Alafan sub-district, namely Langi and Lafakha villages.</p> Ratri Candrasari Reza Pahlevi Ginting Subhani Subhani Harinawati Harinawati Copyright (c) 2024 Ratri Candrasari, Subhani Subhani , Harinawati Harinawati 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00019 00019 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.392 Ethnolinguistic Studies: The Implicature Of Proverbs In The Dialogue Of The Film Entitled Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap Through Pragmatic Analysis <p>In this film (Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap), Pak Domu (Domu’s Father) tries to present the image of a good and harmonious family in society through Batak Toba's cultural values. However, Pak Domu tended to impose his will on his children and wife, causing many conflicts in this family. In addition, the cultural context depicted in the story of the film <em>Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap</em> is identified through the proverbs conveyed in the dialogue and studied linguistically using an ethnolinguistic approach that focuses on quality and relevance to traditional language issues. Specifically, library study techniques are used in collecting data or information by Zaim (2014), and pragmatic analysis – provided by Van Dijk (1997) – will be taken to understand the text and the relationship between the context of the sentence by the speakers. To sum up, several functions of proverbs can be identified, such as satire, indicating the opposite, conveyed by Gabe and the purpose of advice revealed by Opung Domu to Pak Domu, and sarcasm conveyed by her towards Pak Domu and the purpose of complaint intended for his behavior towards her. This issue can not separated from his role as par-halanghulu and because of the role of women in Toba Batak, namely <em>boru ni rajami</em> and <em>inang soripada</em>.</p> Reza Pahlevi Ginting Ratri Candrasari Copyright (c) 2024 Reza Pahlevi Ginting, Ratri Candrasari 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00020 00020 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.393 Sustainable Development: The Role of Related Government Departments in Stunting Reduction Policy in Aceh, Indonesia <p>Reducing the prevalence of stunting, particularly in regions with high rates like North Aceh, presents a crucial challenge in enhancing the quality of life for communities. In this context, the role of relevant government departments is of paramount importance, as they are responsible for implementing policies and development initiatives aimed at stunting reduction.This research offers an in-depth analysis of how the related government departments in North Aceh have contributed to stunting reduction policies and their impact on sustainable development. The study explores various strategies employed by these departments, including inter-agency collaboration, resource allocation, policy formulation, and the implementation of evidence-based programs and projects focused on reducing stunting. The research findings underscore the significance of inter-departmental collaboration as a strong foundation for tackling stunting issues in North Aceh. Effective coordination and the division of responsibilities among various agencies have enabled more efficient resource utilization. Furthermore, policy formulation directed at stunting reduction and the implementation of evidence-based programs have made a substantial contribution to stimulating sustainable growth. This study also addresses the challenges faced by these government departments, such as limited resources and practical constraints in implementing stunting reduction programs. Nevertheless, with unwavering commitment and support from various stakeholders, these departments continue to actively play a crucial role in achieving sustainable development goals, with stunting reduction as a key component. This research serves as a guide for policymakers, academics, and practitioners interested in understanding the role of related government departments in addressing stunting and promoting sustainable development in regions with high stunting prevalence. With a focus on collaboration and evidence-based policies, this research offers a positive contribution to addressing pressing public health challenges in North Aceh</p> Risna Dewi Maisyura Maisyura Dwi Fitri Malahayati Malahayati Jihan Adila Muhammad Hasyem Copyright (c) 2024 Risna Dewi, Maisyura Maisyura, Dwi Fitri, Malahayati Malahayati, Jihan Adila, Muhammad Hasyem 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00021 00021 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.394 The Systematic Approach in Revitalizing the Role of Mosques as Community Empowerment Centers <p>Mosques, aside from serving as places of worship for Muslims, also function as institutions for education, social interaction, economic activities, and community empowerment. However, in reality, many mosques only serve as “ivory towers” amidst community life, limited to religious roles such as places of worship and religious instruction. This article aims to discuss the revitalization of the mosque’s role as a center for community empowerment through a systemic approach. The research method applied is qualitative, utilizing a literature review model. The data used is derived from a review of relevant literature focused on the research objectives. The findings of this study indicate that the revitalization of the mosque’s role requires a systemic approach, where mosques establish strategic partnerships with external institutions in spiritual, intellectual, social, and economic aspects. Human resource development and economic collaboration with economic development institutions are identified as crucial elements. Synergistic coordination in mosque management, through the formation of specialized teams at the high level, divisions at the mid-level, and implementation teams at the lower level, is viewed as a crucial step to ensure the effective management and implementation of programs. This study emphasizes that through a systemic approach, mosques can play an integral role in holistic community empowerment, making the systemic approach a necessity in revitalizing the mosque’s role as a center for community empowerment.</p> Samwil Samwil Afrizal Tjoetra Riki Yulianda Khairan Khairan Copyright (c) 2024 Samwil Samwil, Afrizal Tjoetra, Riki Yulianda, Khairan Khairan 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00022 00022 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.395 Nomocracy and Good Governance in Aceh, Indonesia: A Preliminary Study <p>This article looks at the Acehnese government, which is one of Indonesia's special autonomous provinces, through the lens of nomocracy, or the supremacy of law. A hallmark of a nomocratic administration is its adherence to the rule of law and its reverence for individual liberties. Nomocracy, according to this study, is an essential component of effective governance since it increases the legitimacy, accountability, and responsiveness of government. In addition to examining Aceh's political, cultural, and historical setting, this article examines the ways in which Aceh's past impacts its present-day administration. Aceh has fiercely resisted outside influence throughout its history, first from the Dutch colonizers and subsequently from the Indonesian government. There is a lot of oil and gas in Aceh, which causes disputes and divides the profits. As part of a peace accord that ended the decades-long military confrontation between the Central Government and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), Aceh was awarded special autonomous status in 2001. When it comes to matters of faith, education, culture, and justice, for example, Aceh enjoys more power thanks to its special autonomy. More civil society involvement, more openness and accountability, and peaceful conflict resolution are just a few of the suggestions made in this report to improve Aceh's nomocracy and government.</p> Ti Aisyah Herdi Sahrasad Maryam Maryam Ahmad Yani Elidar Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Ti Aisyah, Herdi Sahrasad, Maryam Maryam, Ahmad Yani, Elidar Sari 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00023 00023 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.396 From the Sea to the Land: Navigating the Ambiguity of Rohingya Refugees Boat People in Malaysia and Indonesia <p>This study explores the complex experiences of Rohingya refugees in Malaysia and Indonesia, two Southeast Asian countries that have become significant destinations for these displaced populations. The Rohingya, a persecuted ethnic and religious minority from Myanmar, undertake treacherous journeys across the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea in search of safety and refuge in these host nations. Upon their arrival, they face a multitude of challenges, which have not been thoroughly explored, making this study vital in understanding the dynamics of their lives in these unique socio-political landscapes. To address this, a qualitative research methodology combined with a case study approach is employed. This approach allows for an in-depth exploration of the intricacies of their experiences and the examination of the policy responses of both Malaysia and Indonesia to this global humanitarian crisis. The findings of this study emphasize the ambiguity and lack of clarity in the treatment of Rohingya refugees due to the absence of clear legal frameworks for recognition. International organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and local communities play a pivotal role in shaping the lives of these refugees, highlighting their resilience in the face of adversity. The study underscores the necessity for clearer and more consistent treatment of Rohingya refugees in both Malaysia and Indonesia and calls for more transparent and effective policies to address their challenges. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of continued efforts by international organizations and NGOs to provide support and advocate for the rights of refugees.</p> Aizat Khairi Suadi Zainal Afrizal Tjoetra Andika Ab. Wahab Copyright (c) 2024 Aizat Khairi, Suadi Zainal, Afrizal Tjoetra, Andika Ab. Wahab 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00024 00024 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.397 A Lesson from the Past: Indonesian Muslim, Corona Pandemic, Global Tensions and Government Responses <p>This article explains about the Covid-19 crisis that afflicted the Indonesian people on the one hand and the incompetence of the Joko Widodo government (regime) in dealing with it has put the regime in a defensive position on the other hand. Indeed covid-19 is produced by nature. But the regime did not immediately deal with it until about two months later, a period of gold wasted. Though this virus spread very quickly. Lockdown which is the most rational choice as applied by many countries to break the chain of transmission is not a regime option. The reason was that the regime did not want to feed the people living in areas that were locked down or quarantined. Not surprisingly, the people sued for the inaction of the regime to deal with it.&nbsp; Meanwhile, to this day the regime also has not yet provided adequate therapy to prevent more people from falling victim. In fact, officials from the beginning made statements that seemed to play with this dangerous disease. After a hard protest and lawsuit from within and outside the country, Jokowi admitted that his regime deliberately covered up the truth so that the people would not panic. Despite acknowledging mistakes and trying to seriously handle them, the policies taken are inadequate, fickle, and overlapping.</p> Herdi Sahrasad Iskandar Zulkarnaen Ti Aisyah Al Chaidar Eko Cahyono Copyright (c) 2024 Herdi Sahrasad, Iskandar Zulkarnaen, Ti Aisyah, Al Chaidar, Eko Cahyono 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00025 00025 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.398 The Tragedy of the Commons in Aceh: An Anthropological Reflection on the Post-Tsunami Development of Aceh <p>This article examines the post-tsunami development of Aceh from an anthropological perspective, focusing on the concept of the tragedy of the commons. The author argues that the development projects in Aceh have been driven by a logic of budget absorption, dendrophobia (fear of trees), and noise escalation, resulting in the degradation of various commons, such as land, sound, water, and cultural heritage. The author uses Garret Hardin's theory of the tragedy of the commons to analyze the collective action problems and the externalities that arise from the overexploitation and mismanagement of the commons. The author also provides empirical evidence from fieldwork and secondary sources to illustrate the negative impacts of the development on the environment, society, and culture of Aceh. The author concludes that the development of Aceh has been a tragedy for the commons and calls for a more sustainable, participatory, and culturally sensitive approach to development.</p> Al Chaidar Abdurrahman Puteh Pangeran PPA Nasution Amiruddin Ketaren Rakhmadsyah Putra Rangkuty Dini Rizki Hidayat Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 Al Chaidar Abdurrahman Puteh, Pangeran PPA Nasution, Amiruddin Ketaren 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.400 Collaborative Governance In The Rehabilitation Of Drug Abuse Victims In Medan City <p>This research examines collaborative governance in the rehabilitation of drug abuse victims in Medan City, North Sumatra Province. The drug phenomenon in this area is a serious problem with a high number of cases and suspects of drug crimes. Data from the Research, Data and Information Center of the National Narcotics Agency in 2021 recorded 41,084 cases of drug abuse and 53,405 suspects throughout Indonesia. North Sumatra became one of the provinces with the highest number of cases, reaching 6,077 cases, and Medan City accounted for 2,416 cases, the highest among other areas in the province. Collaborative actions were taken to prevent the development of drug abuse cases involving several key components. Medan Plus Foundation provides adequate rehabilitation facilities, including safe housing, specialized therapy rooms, and medical facilities. Regular education and counseling programs are implemented using lectures, group discussions, and visual presentations to raise awareness among victims and the community. In mentoring and counseling, Medan Plus Foundation applies Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to change harmful mindsets and behaviors. Regular monitoring and evaluation are conducted with predetermined tools, including reports involving various relevant parties for transparency and accountability. Although collaborative efforts have been made, this study shows the need for further efforts to improve the effectiveness of the CBT program</p> Cut Sukmawati Donny Alviandi Copyright (c) 2024 Cut Sukmawati, Donny Alviandi 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00027 00027 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.401 Keuneneng: Local Knowledge Of Aceh Fishermen <p>This article discusses the results of research related to local knowledge in Aceh's maritime community. The local knowledge discussed in this article concerns about astronomical knowledge in the fishing communities of Aceh. Where local knowledge in the current era is increasingly being eroded by technological advances, but on the other hand local knowledge is a treasure of the nation. This research was conducted in Aceh, using a qualitative approach. Then this study also uses concepts from interdisciplinary science, namely sociology, anthropology and history. This multi-disciplinary approach to gain a more comprehensive perspective. Based on this research, it can be described that local knowledge is a form of community adaptation to the natural environment in which they interact. One form of local adaptation which later became local knowledge was the astronomical knowledge of Aceh sailors. This astronomical knowledge in the people of Aceh is known as keuneneng. Keuneneng is knowledge in determining climate. Keuneneng is divided into twelve keuneneng, according to the number of months. Starting from the <em>keuneneng dua ploh lhei</em>, to the <em>keuneneng sa</em>. In addition to keuneneng, in Acehnese society, especially Acehnese sailors are also known for their knowledge of astrology. Apart from being a guide, this astrology is also used to detect natural threats at sea. This astronomical knowledge is a form of natural adaptation, which later becomes local knowledge in Aceh.</p> Ibrahim Chalid Mujiburrahman Mujiburrahman Aflia Riski Richa Meiliza Cut Rizka Al Usrah Sulaiman Sulaiman Copyright (c) 2024 Ibrahim Chalid, Mujiburrahman Mujiburrahman, Aflia Riski , Richa Meiliza, Cut Rizka Al Usrah, Sulaiman Sulaiman 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00028 00028 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.402 Marketing Communication Strategy PT. Partner Energy Company in Distribution of Subsidized Gas to Poor Communities <p>Communication strategies are currently widely implemented by every company. One company that uses a communication strategy to consumers is PT. Partner Energy Company. PT. Mitra Energy Company is a company engaged in the gas industry, especially subsidized 3 Kg gas. The aim of this research is to find out the marketing communication strategy of PT. Mitra Energy Company in distributing 3 Kg subsidized gas to the poor and to find out the obstacles faced by PT. Partner Energy Company in implementing marketing communication strategies. The research method used is a qualitative method. The results of the research show that the marketing communication strategy of PT. Mitra Energy Company in the distribution of subsidized gas, namely by utilizing the use of promotions and direct sales. The company's duty is to channel or distribute gas to the 3 Kg gas base, not to the public, the public cannot make purchases at this company. However, PT. Mitra Energy Company has carried out the work that is their responsibility so that they believe that the distribution of subsidized gas has gone well and is right on target, namely aimed at the poor. The obstacles faced in the marketing communication strategy are that there are consumers who cannot use technology and the company does not have social media or a website.</p> Ikram Ikram Kamaruddin Hasan Mukhlis Mukhlis M. Ali Copyright (c) 2024 Ikram Ikram , Kamaruddin Hasan , Mukhlis Mukhlis , M. Ali 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00029 00029 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.403 Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Government Communication And Empowerment For Traditional Fishpond Farmers On The North Aceh Coast <p>Research to determine, describe and analyze the effectiveness, transparency and accuracy of government communication and empowerment for Traditional Pond Farmers on the coast of North Aceh, Aceh province. Utilizing all communication media effectively, creatively and innovatively in strengthening partnerships and collaboration; government, pond farmers, coastal institutions and other stakeholders. Becoming a new paradigm and perspective in development and empowerment with the spirit of voicing the voiceless. In revealing the socio-economic capital of traditional pond farmers. The presence of government communication, development communication and empowerment to contribute to the development and empowerment process, diffusion of innovation and communication technology. The phenomenon of helplessness of traditional pond farmers in North Aceh is an illustration of the still weak effectiveness of government communication, development communication, empowerment and human-centered social change. This research uses a phenomenological paradigm with theoretical foundations and concepts from the perspective of government communication, social development communication, empowerment communication, communicative action, social welfare, social capital, local wisdom, coastal areas and traditional pond farmers. Data is collected through interviews, observation, focus group discussions, literature review or documentation. The results of the research show that changes in the mindset of traditional pond farmers will lead to different behavior patterns than before. In this process of change, it can be seen that there is a self-help process to get out of the stigma of being poor and marginalized. The development and empowerment process should show empowerment, participation, collaborative communication that can lead to a condition of life for pond farmers based on mutually agreed values, norms, customs, culture and local wisdom capable of strengthening social welfare and social capital. Development and empowerment must be understood as a process with multiple dimensions, involving major changes in social structures, social institutions, attitudes, minimizing inequality, marginalization and absolute poverty. There needs to be a paradigm shift from a capitalist market mechanism system to upholding nationalist values ​​with human- centered development practices. Including strengthening togetherness, harmonization, solidarity and strengthening collective self-empowerment. So that the effectiveness of government communication, development and empowerment of traditional pond farmers must be prepared based on initiative, participation, orientation to needs, potential and capabilities while still paying attention to the institutional dynamics therein.</p> Kamaruddin Hasan Muchlis Muchlis Masriadi Masriadi Subhani Subhani Safwan Safwan Asmi Asmi Hasmi Hasmi Mukhtaruddin Mukhtaruddin Copyright (c) 2024 Kamaruddin Hasan, Muchlis Muchlis , Masriadi Masriadi , Subhani Subhani, Safwan Safwan, Asmi Asmi, Hasmi Hasmi, Mukhtaruddin Mukhtaruddin 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00030 00030 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.404 Political Public Space In The 2024 Election Social Media Platform; Between Expectations And Reality <p>Political public space in social media platforms the 2024 election will be attention Lots circles. Conflict discourse in room public political via social media platforms of course is something common and significant in context modern democracy. However when blunt make room public in social media disturbing or not Healthy. Social media has become receptacle for individual, group and society for convey opinion, discourse, opinion, information, interact in a way wide and others. Social Media has significant role in shape, influence opinions and choices political in election. Moment election is notes important in system democracy in Indonesia. Study This aim for analyze phenomenon conflict political public space in social media platforms. Use approach qualitative descriptive with analyze various source news, reports, public opinion and social media realit. Research result show that discourse conflict public space in social media the 2024 election occurs in a number of aspect among others; conflict between party politics, team success, conflict support and inter supporters. Social media often present incident violence and provocation. Even conflict between social media platforms That Alone. Competition business and interests politics. Conflict This can influence content, discourse and narrative. Study this is also revealing that phenomenon conflict public space in social media own significant impact to the public and the democratic process. Conflict can increase polarization and strengthening extreme attitudes between public. Besides Therefore, conflict can also occur obscure issue substance and diversion attention public of the important agendas that must be done discussed in election. Needed social media literacy, digital literacy and politics No only for public, also share party politics, the government is also a social media activist. Guard ethics, politeness and present regulations media social in every elections in Indonesia. In context this is important collaboration in a way harmonious both media platforms, actors capital business, government, party politics, organizer elections, and the public for you're welcome responsible answer presents a step-by-step process the 2024 election will mature, educate, give birth to an aura of harmonization.</p> Kamaruddin Hasan Zulfadli Zulfadli Muchlis Muchlis Masriadi Masriadi Asmaul Husna Awaluddin Awaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 Kamaruddin Hasan, Zulfadli Zulfadli, Muchlis Muchlis, Masriadi Masriadi, Asmaul Husna, Awaluddin Awaluddin 2024-01-26 2024-01-26 4 00031 00031 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.408 Implementation Of Curriculum Policy Edutechno Islamic Preneurship In Aceh <p>Referring to Law Number 44 of 1999 concerning Aceh's privileges, Aceh Qanun Number 11 of 2014 article 5 paragraph 2 which explains that the national education system in Aceh is organized in an Islamic and integrated manner to achieve educational goals, Aceh Qanun Number 9 of 2015 article 19 paragraph 1 which explains that the Aceh government has the authority to formulate an Islamic curriculum at the PAUD, SD, SMP, SMA, SMK and SLB levels, and the Aceh government has the authority to implement the national curriculum at the secondary education and special education levels, so the Aceh government launched a curriculum called Edutechno Islamic Preneurship. This research is located at SMK Negeri 3 Lhokseumawe and aims to determine the policy content of the Islamic Edutechno Preneurship curriculum and to determine the supporting and inhibiting factors for its implementation at SMK Negeri 3 Lhokseumawe. Currently the national curriculum has not been integrated with the Islamic-based concept of Aceh's local wisdom, therefore it is deemed necessary to conduct research to analyze the policy content of the Islamic Edutechno Preneurship curriculum. This research is qualitative research using observation, interviews and documentation methods. The results of the research show that the Islamic Edutechno Preneurship curriculum is implemented well at SMK Negeri 3 Lhokseumawe but still needs improvement in the aspects of socialization, supervisory supervision, Islamic-based books and continuous improvement of human resources. The conclusion of this research is that the Islamic Edutechno Prenership curriculum needs to be implemented comprehensively within the Aceh Education Department in order to create vocational students who have skills and have noble character and uphold Islamic Acehan values.</p> Muklir Muklir Muhammad Hasyem Saharudin Saharudin Abdullah Abdullah Copyright (c) 2024 Muklir Muklir, Muhammad Hasyem, Saharudin Saharudin, Abdullah Abdullah 2024-01-26 2024-01-26 4 00032 00032 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.409 Web-Based Science Learning Media at High School Level <p>Digitalization is one of the fields that affect the 5.0 revolution civilization towards world mobility. In fact, there are many conversions of learning media from manual forms to digital variations, in the learning process. Learning media as a tool that helps the learning process in presenting material in an interesting way so that the learning situation becomes effective, efficient, active and easily understood by students. This study aims to determine: validity by experts, feasibility by teachers and response by students to the design of web-based science learning media at the high school level. The method used in this research is R&amp;D using the ADDIE development procedure, where this model consists of 5 stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation, but this research is limited to the development stage. The instrument in this study is a validation questionnaire, feasibility and response. The results of this study are (1) obtained validity test results from media experts as a whole average percentage of 91.1% in the "very valid" category, and material experts of 93.7% in the "very valid" category. (2) the teacher feasibility test amounted to 88.4% so that it was concluded that the category "very feasible" and "feasible". (3) the average percentage of student responses obtained was 84.3%, it can be concluded that each school is in the "interesting" category. The results of this study indicate that the learning media is interesting.</p> Syarifah Rita Zahara Riska Imanda Sirry Alvina Aulia Febrianti Sirait M. Irsyat Mita Azlina Harahap Copyright (c) 2024 Syarifah Rita Zahara, Riska Imanda, Sirry Alvina, Aulia Febrianti Sirait, M. Irsyat, Mita Azlina Harahap 2024-01-26 2024-01-26 4 00033 00033 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.410 Aceh Party Regeneration Pattern in Facing 2024 Legislative Elections in North Aceh Regency <p>The decline in the Aceh Party's seat in the People's Representative Council of North Aceh Regency in the 2019 election was a form of the failure of the Aceh Party in forming its cadres. Votes from 2014-2019 have decreased so that the electability of political parties has also decreased very significantly with the lack of role of legislators in realizing work programs in society. The easiest thing to be assessed by the public in every activity and behavior carried out by political parties is often a barometer in measuring the quality of political parties so that in the process of cadre from the Aceh Party does not meet the electability of a leader. The purpose of this study is to find out how the regeneration pattern of the Aceh Party of North Aceh Regency in facing the 2024 legislative election and the obstacles of the Aceh Party of North Aceh Regency in the cadre recruitment process to face the 2024 legislative election. Method on research on the Qualitative. the object of the research so that it will obtain valid or accurate data related to the Pattern of Local Party Regeneration in the Face of the 2024 Legislative Election in the Aceh Party, North Aceh Regency. The results of the Research Study illustrate that the regeneration pattern carried out by the Aceh Party uses millennials and generation z in seeking support. In addition, it is also intensively promoting with a persuasive approach so that it can increase support in the 2024 election. However, what makes the obstacle occur when regeneration still uses the old strategy of giving it to former GAM combatants who have not served in the government but lack knowledge in government. This makes the pattern of regeneration in the Aceh Party has not been maximized.</p> Safitri Safitri Teuku Muzaffarsyah Taufik Abdullah Zulhilmi Zulhilmi Ana Zahara Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-26 2024-01-26 4 00034 00034 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.411 Digital Transformation 5.0: Establishing ASN Professionalism and Integrity in Public Services <p>The State Civil Apparatus (ASN) is required to provide quality public services based on the principles of public service. Therefore, we need a system that becomes a public service standard as a guide and commitment to the community in providing services that meet standards of quality, speed, ease of access, affordability and measurable service. Digital transformation in public services absolutely must be implemented in accordance with the development of the digital revolution 5.0. That the quality of ASN must change in an era that is also constantly changing, namely including managerial and decision-making abilities, speed, agility, adaptability and mastery of information technology. In reality, the quality of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) still does not meet expectations. This is because the challenges in bureaucracy actually lie not only in the lack of skilled and competent human resources, but also in issues of character and behavior that do not reflect professionalism and integrity in providing services.</p> Nurul Kamaly Vidya Syauqi Salsabiil Salsabiil Helmi Helmi Mukhrijal Mukhrijal Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-26 2024-01-26 4 00035 00035 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.412 Analysis of Intrapersonal Communication in Increasing Self-Confidence Among Generation Z <p>The advancement of the times has greatly influenced the importance of intrapersonal communication in overcoming challenges and increasing self-confidence. In this digital era, the use of social media and pressure from the digital environment also play an important role in influencing self-confidence among generation Z. Self-confidence is very important in life because without self-confidence there will always be doubts in a person to do something. This research uses a library research method. The literature research method is research conducted using literature. The literature method plays an important role in formulating the theoretical basis and conceptual framework. In today's digital era, generation Z has been made easier by the existence of social media, with social media people are more active on social media than in the real world. In fact, even introverted people are very active on social media compared to extroverted people. Social media really helps the development of one's self-confidence and it is not uncommon for people to develop more on social media than in the real world. The results obtained to increase self-confidence in generation Z are by understanding oneself, increasing motivation and perseverance, self-talk, opening up, and talking to the closest people about their feelings and thoughts.</p> Asmaul Husna Kamaruddin Hasan M. Paisal Siregar Putri Sinta Syahrial Doli Harahap Zahra Aulia Sani Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 4 00036 00036 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.465 Formulation of the Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in Seeking the Truth about Past Human Rights Violations in Aceh <p>This journal describes the formulation and implementation of the Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission (KKR) in revealing the truth regarding human rights violations that occurred in Aceh in the past.&nbsp; Aceh is one of the regions in Indonesia that has experienced armed conflict for decades involving the government and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) group.&nbsp; This period of conflict has led to many cases of human rights violations, and the Aceh TRC has an important role in revealing the truth and seeking reconciliation between the parties involved.&nbsp; This journal will use a research methodology combining a qualitative approach and document analysis to investigate the role and performance of the Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission (KKR).&nbsp; Apart from that, this journal also evaluates the challenges and obstacles faced by the Aceh TRC in the process of revealing the truth.&nbsp; The results of this research found that truth disclosure carried out by the Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission (KKR) can provide deeper insight into efforts to overcome human rights violations in Aceh and contribute to understanding the reconciliation process in areas that have been affected by conflict.</p> M. Reza Fahlevi Ramzi Murziqin Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 4 00037 00037 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.466 Dissemination of Qanun Information for Preventing Teenage Smokers in Bener Meriah Regency <p>Dissemination of information in the implementation of Qanun No. 1 of 2018 concerning the preventing teenage smoker in Bener Meriah Regency has very complex challenges and problems, the empirical phenomenon related to the implementation of Qanun in the preventing teenage smokerin Bener Meria Regency, has several fundamental problems related to information dissemination, including understanding the purpose of the content of the qanun has not been understood by stakeholders, the identification of the core message to be communicated has not been conveyed well to the public, this phenomenon has implications for determining policy targets or goals, effective use of media has not been used to disseminate information related to the qanun in non-smoking areas, the E dashboard application provided by the Ministry of Health is not yet known and understood by policy makers in Bener Meriah. Based on the existing conditions, the number of smokers in the Aceh region is in 13th place with a smoking rate of 28.30%, with a total population of Aceh of 5.3 million people. in 2021. This figure is high, so it is close to the national smoking figure, specifically 28.96. More than 1 million or 20 percent of the entire population are heavy smokers.Based on information from the Central Measurement Agency (BPS) . Meanwhile, grand theory is used in the context of dissemination of policy information to support policy implementation, information is considered fuel for the running of public programs and services (Monge &amp; Rotich: 2014).This investigation aims to determine significance, social influence, introduction of related partner groups, organization, communication, introduction of activities and dissemination of data. The instruments used in this investigation were analysts as the instrument and other instruments in the form of direct meetings. The results of in-depth interviews conducted in this investigation were analyzed using the substance investigation method. After establishing a general perception of supportive communication, the analysts evaluated the importance of supporting communication's role in empowering an open approach that supports management of a problem. The results of the research show that the implementation of information dissemination policies will run better if they are able to strengthen implementation issue factors and understand the characteristics of policies as an effort to achieve goals by prioritizing transparent governance. Comprehensive study of increasing the role of policy actors, namely the bureaucracy of mass media institutions and information groups to collaborate resources so that Information dissemination is well received by the community and empowers the community to use existing aspiration channels to continuously improve policy implementation.</p> Nur Hafni Dyah Kuntorini Aflia Riski T. Muzafarsyah Fakhrurrazi Fakhrurrazi Muhammad Arfi Ade Malahayati Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 4 00038 00038 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.467 Analysis of Political Communication on The Role of Social Media Towards the 2024 General Election <p>This research was conducted to analyze the role of social media that discusses political communication towards the 2024 election. Political communication towards elections with social media is one of the channels of political communication to reach voters, especially the public. Much research contributes to digital campaigns, but it remains unclear how candidates use social media platforms as a form of digital campaigning during elections. This research will focus on discussing the role of social media ahead of the Presidential election in Indonesia in 2024 and the political strategies used by each candidate. Through four social media platforms Facebook, Tiktok, Twitter, and Instagram. This research will also examine the issues, conflicts and obstacles discussed in the four media platforms we have mentioned earlier. This research uses a qualitative approach and the data is analyzed using qualitative methods. A qualitative approach is used to analyze data obtained from various social media and other reliable sources. With the existence of social media, various news has been prepared as an official source in disseminating programs and ideas to voters through available social media platforms. In this analysis we will examine whether social media has a big influence if hoaxes or news that spread can influence people to remain committed to their choices or even believe in what is seen on social media. The results of this study will provide ideas or memories about the journey to the General Election and the results of this study will also include various moments that often occur on social media ahead of the 2024 election. That way, this research contributes to telling or giving a better understanding in social media.</p> Nurhayati Sinaga Kamaruddin Hasan Meera Nacia Rina Aklima Misbahul Jannah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 4 00039 00039 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.468 Contribution of the Halal Industry to Sustainable Economic Development in Indonesia: A Bibliometric Analysis <p>This study aims to investigate how the development of the halal industry promotes sustainable economic growth in Indonesia using bibliometric methods. The research employs bibliometric analysis with Publish or Perish and VOSviewer to map the literature and provide an overview. Based on the results of a systematic literature review, the researchers identified 500 Google Scholar articles from 2015 to 2023 through searches using Publish or Perish. The data was analyzed using VOSviewer to map the contribution of the halal industry to sustainable economic development. The results of the mapping are divided into three clusters: cluster 1 for economic development and growth, cluster 2 for the halal industry, and cluster 3 for halal tourism. The findings indicate that the halal industry in Indonesia plays a strategic role in economic growth. The halal industry can serve as a means for economic empowerment, employment expansion, and sustainable development, thereby enhancing the country's industrial competitiveness and boosting the national economy.</p> Bahrina Almas Sjafruddin Sjafruddin Hamzah Zainuri Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 4 00040 00040 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.469 Margin Calculation on Non-Cash Car Purchases <p>PT Astra Credit Companies Banda Aceh has converted to Sharia in December 2021. This company provides services for the sale and purchase of cars on a non-cash basis using the Murabahah contract. Murabahah is a sale and purchase contract in which the trader must openly state the initial price, the cost of goods, and the profit he will take. In practice, PT ACCS has done these things, but the margin calculation is not made openly to the buyer. The purpose of this study is to answer the problems, namely how the margin calculation method on non-cash car purchases at PT ACCS, the factors that affect the margin rate and how the validity of the margin calculation system in the perspective of the murabahah contract. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative which later researchers will conduct research through the field or literature, as for data collection techniques, namely through interviews, observation and documentation. The result of this study is that in calculating the margin, PT ACCS applies two methods, namely flat and annuity, the amount of the margin percentage depends on the time period taken by the buyer. The factors that influence the margin rate are competition factors and local OJK regulations. The validity of the margin calculation system in the perspective of the murabahah contract carried out by the company is in accordance with the general concept of murabahah. However, the margin calculation method used, namely the annuity method, can damage the murabahah contract because the annuity calculation method is a margin calculation method for financing products, not products for buying and selling goods.</p> Aulia Saputra Muhammad Yani Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 4 00041 00041 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.471 Awakening Aroma: Weathering the Covid-19 Storm in Aceh's Coffee Culinary Tourism and Farming Community <p>The potential and popularity of coffee culinary tourism, particularly Arabica Gayo coffee, have garnered recognition both locally and internationally for its unique aroma and flavor profile. However, the widespread impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism sector in Indonesia has posed serious challenges, including to the coffee culinary tourism industry in Central Aceh. Decreased tourist visits have disrupted various aspects of the business. Hence, research is conducted to identify these impacts and find suitable solutions to revitalize this industry. Through research methods involving observation, in-depth interviews, and group discussions, efforts are made to optimize the potential of coffee culinary tourism in the region. The analysis reveals that operational hour restrictions on coffee culinary businesses are among the major impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Central Aceh, resulting in revenue decline and export difficulties. Nevertheless, the tourism potential in the area remains high despite the decrease in tourist numbers due to activity restrictions.</p> Cut Rizka Al Usrah Emmia Tambarta Dini Rizki Mahyarni Mahyarni Aulia Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-25 2024-01-25 4 00042 00042 10.29103/icospolhum.v4i.589