The Relationship Between Knowledge and Attitudes of Waste Transport Workers and the Behavior of Using Personal Protective Equipment in Langsa City


  • Arista Ardilla Universitas Bumi Persada, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Zulkarnaini STIKes Darussalam Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Teuku Yasser Denhas STIKes Bustanul Ulum Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia


Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, Personal Protective Equipment


Garbage workers are generally susceptible to skin diseases due to contamination from the garbage, so there is a need for occupational health safety for waste transport officers. Efforts that can be made to avoid the occurrence of occupational diseases and work accidents are with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This study aims to determine the relationship between the knowledge and attitudes of waste transport workers towards the use of personal protective equipment in Langsa City. This research was carried out on 25 - 29 Juli 2023, at the Langsa City Environmental Service using analytical types. The population in this study were all waste transport workers who worked at the Langsa City Environmental Service, amounting to 71 people. Proportional stratified random sampling was used, which resulted in 42 people obtained using the Slovin formula. The results showed majority of respondents used personal protective equipment (52.4%), had good knowledge  (62%), and had a negative attitude (57.1%).  The Chi-Square test showed that knowledge (p value = 0.012) and attitude of waste officers (p value = 0.000) were significantly related to the behavior of using personal protective equipment. It is suggested that the Langsa City Environmental Service is expected to continue to improve socialization efforts and provide counseling to waste transport workers on the importance of using personal protective equipment, the benefits of using personal protective equipment, and knowing what actually work accidents. It is better to prepare personal protective equipment for workers in the form of masks, gloves, helmets/hats, boots, and work clothes that are suitable for the workplace.


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