The Role Of Ulama Dayah In Anticipation Acts Of Violence In Lhokseumawe City


  • Al Mawardi State Polytechnic Lhokseumawe, Aceh-Indonesia
  • Nurdan Nurdan State Polytechnic Lhokseumawe, Aceh-Indonesia
  • Amru Muha State Polytechnic Lhokseumawe, Aceh-Indonesia
  • Khairil Fata State Polytechnic Lhokseumawe, Aceh-Indonesia


Role, anticipating, act of violence, ulama dayah


Acts of violence such as brawls, robberies, motorbike gangs and the like have increased from year to year in Lhokseumawe City. This phenomenon was disturbing and disrupts public order because it had caused many victims. Based on data from the Head of Public Relations of Lhokseumawe Police, it was known that acts of violence in the form of fights between students occurred very frequently from the end of 2022 to August 2023. According to him, brawls between students have occurred several times, where in October-December 2022 had occurred in six cases, and in January-August of 2023 there had been twenty cases. Acts of violence should not occur in Lhokseumawe City, which is one of the areas that has implemented Islamic Sharia qanun for ten years. This research aimed to anticipate the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency and acts of violence in Lhokseumawe City by exploring and synergizing the perceptions of ulama Dayah regarding strategies, policies and procedures for prevention. Qualitative and quantitative research was carried out by using interview methods and distributing questionnaires to ulama and dayah teachers. While the collected data was analyzed descriptively, with stages; classification of data, analysis, description and conclusions. Based on the results, it was known that ulama had an important role in minimizing the number of violence in Lhokseumawe City. The role of Ulama Dayah was not only limited to the mosque pulpit, but was also active in various socio-religious activities through tausiah activities, ta'lim assemblies, muzakarah, and the creation of Islamic sharia qanuns. There were a number of strategies to prevent acts of violence, namely; increasing Islamic understanding, increasing attention to religious knowledge, increasing family supervision of children, strengthening coordination with village officials, optimizing both the role and function of ulama, empowering village government, optimizing character and moral education, as well as the government's commitment to establishing regulations that mobilize the community to take part in recitation of Islamic teachings in the dayah or recitation hall, and imposing a curfew for school-aged children on the other hand.


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