Identification of Productivity Factors in Salt Production Among the Madura People,s Salt Using the Murvin E. Mundel Method


  • Aprilia Wulandari 3 Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia
  • Ika Defi Anna Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia
  • Indra Cahyadi Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia


Murvin E. Mundel, Efficiency, Productivity, Salt


Sumenep Regency is the district that produces the highest amount of salt on the island of Madura. The salt produced is traded to various regions, creating a trading network. The issue at hand is that salt farmers in the Sumenep district are striving to enhance their salt productivity, which is currently considered inefficient. Therefore, it is necessary to measure salt productivity among the Madurese population. The aim of this study is to assess salt productivity among the people to achieve maximum quality in community salt production. Additionally, the study seeks to identify the factors influencing increases or decreases in salt productivity, particularly in the Sumenep district. This study commenced by identifying the criteria for Madurese salt productivity, determining input and output variables using the Murvin E. Mundel method, measuring productivity values for each productivity index, and subsequently analyzing salt production productivity among the Madurese. Based on the analysis, proposals for improvements will be formulated to address the existing challenges. It is noteworthy that the total productivity index has increased by 4%. so, it can be concluded that Madurese salt farmers' businesses have started to operate effectively and efficiently


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