Increasing Kinesthetic Intelligence In Early Childhood Through Bajang Bajang Creations Dance At Jeumpa Ban Kemang Kindergarten Bener Meriah District


  • Fauziatul Halim Universitas Almuslim, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Novysa Basri Universitas Almuslim, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Kharizmi Universitas Almuslim, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Parida Sari Universitas Almuslim, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Rudi Juli Saputra Universitas Al Muslim


kinesthetic intelligence, bajang bajang creations dance, early chilhood


This research is “Increasing Kinesthetic Intelligence In Early Childhood Through Bajang Bajang Creations Dance At Jeumpa Ban Kemang Kindergarten Bener Meriah District". This research aims to determine (1) the form of presentation of the Bajang-bajang dance at the Jeumpa Ban Kemang Kindergarten; (2) Application of creative dance to improve the kinesthetic intelligence of children aged 5-6 years at Jeumpa Ban Kemang Kindergarten: (3) To determine children's responses to learning creative dance to improve the kinesthetic intelligence of children aged 5-6 years at Jeumpa Ban Kemang Kindergarten. This research was motivated by the results of observations at the Jeumpa Ban Kemang Kindergarten, where the majority of children in the 5-6 year old class group had a tendency to move while learning very dominantly and beyond normal limits such as running here and there in several meetings during the teaching and learning process activities in that class. Apart from that, another problem which is also very important is that the learning strategies used by teachers do not support the learning age needs of children in the class, such as creating a pleasant playing atmosphere and often placing children to sit quietly and listen to the teacher, such as creating classroom conditions in elementary schools. Therefore, in this study, the researcher aims to implement a solution so that children in this class who have special kinesthetic intelligence can channel their movement needs and so that the child's kinesthetic intelligence can continue to develop. The method that the researchers used was using dancing activities. The dance that is danced is a dance created by Bajang-bajang which originates from Bener Meriah Regency. The type of research used is classroom action research. The results of this research show that dancing activities are very suitable for developing children's kinesthetic intelligence. This can be seen from the percentage results of the first cycle of the first meeting, the average kinesthetic intelligence of children is still starting to develop, namely 93.3%. Meanwhile, in cycle II, children's kinesthetic intelligence achieved an increase of 86.7%. In the first cycle, the teacher's activity score reached 60% and the child's activity score was 50.6%, in the second meeting, the teacher's activity score was 77.7% and the child's activity score was 69.4%. whereas in cycle II at meeting I the teacher's activity score was 81% and the child's score was 74.1%, while at meeting II the teacher's activity score was 84.7% and the child's activity score was 82.3%. This proves that dance activities can increase children's kinesthetic intelligence.


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