Nation State And The Loss Of Cross Cultural Communication In Aceh Post Conflict And Tsunami


  • Iswadi Iswadi University of Al-Muslim Bireuen Aceh, Indonesia


Nation state, cross cultural communication, Aceh post conflict and tsunami


This research article is concerned with the loss of cross cultural communication as a result of the establishment of a nation state based on political principles and concepts which will also give birth to what is called a national culture where the substance is the various ethnic groups in Indonesia. The aim of this research is to build a collective awareness where the establishment of a nation state does not have to destroy the existing  of its substance. This article is a qualitative descriptive research where various existing data are processed qualitatively and the results are presented descriptively. The results of the research show that the Acehnese people have always had the political desire to establish a nation state, but it seems to have failed because the existence of Indonesian national political power as a fixed price that Aceh must become an integral part of the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). In the situation and condition like this, it seems that New Aceh, namely Aceh  post-conflict and tsunami , inevitably has to submit and comply with various regulations that exist nationally in Indonesia. Meanwhile, Aceh, which is also known to have various local wisdoms and various ways of  life, seems to no longer be able to be used as a reinforcement of Acehnese culture itself, which will also have an impact on the loss of cross cultural communication in Indonesia, where everything must refer to national culture. Until now, Aceh is still within Indonesia's geographical and political territory, but culturally it seems that Aceh still lives in a dualism between maintaining its ethnic culture or being absorbed into the Indonesian national system as a nation state. In the situation and condition like this, it seems that cultural communication will become weak or even disappear due to the power of Indonesian national political and cultural hegemony, where it must also be realized that post-conflict and tsunami Acehnese society is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society. This means that cross cultural communication within a nation state is very important and does not only prioritize political communication which so far has tended to be seen as being between interests and profits, and even far from values ​​that can provide learning in our lives.


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