Copyright Law Enforcement In Aceh'S Song Or Music Industry


  • Sofyan Jafar Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia.
  • Manfarisyah Manfarisyah Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia.
  • Nuribadah Nuribadah Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia.
  • Arif Rahman Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia.


Enforcement, Law, Copyright, Aceh Song or Music


Law Number 28 of 2014, which pertains to Copyright, governs the legal aspects of intellectual property rights within the domain of music and songs—a form of creative output highly valuable to society. This encompasses the copyright protection afforded to Acehnese musical compositions and performances. Music, being an indispensable part of human existence, serves as a significant catalyst propelling the contemporary music industry. Hence, the primary objective of this article is to scrutinize and evaluate the effective implementation of copyright law in the Aceh music sector. This is imperative due to the continued prevalence of unauthorized usage of copyrighted materials, including the rendition of songs or music covers and the utilization of segments or the entirety of copyrighted songs or music without obtaining prior consent from the rightful copyright proprietors. This study adopts a qualitative legal research approach employing a normative framework, augmented by empirical evidence derived from both primary and secondary sources. The findings of this investigation illuminate various determinants impacting the enforcement of copyright law in the Aceh music industry. These include the inadequacy of public awareness campaigns concerning the Copyright Law, the vulnerability of copyright owners or holders stemming from their limited understanding of copyright law, and the influence of amendments in the existing Copyright Law that exclusively entertain offenses necessitating formal complaints for legal redress. Consequently, copyright infringements can only be pursued upon receipt of complaints from aggrieved parties or victims. Furthermore, there exists a deficiency in comprehending the legal provisions of copyright law, particularly those designed to safeguard moral and economic rights. Additionally, there is a general absence of consciousness and adherence to legal norms within a substantial segment of the populace, especially in relation to copyright-related matters.


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Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright


