What The Future Of Leadership Will Look Like In Business


  • Sonny Muhammad Ikhsan Mangkuwinata Universitas Almuslim, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Marwan Marwan Universitas Almuslim, Aceh, Indonesia


Leadership, Innovative, Creative


Leadership is a person's ability to influence other people to work together according to plans to achieve predetermined goals. Thus, leadership plays a very important role in management, it can even be stated that leadership is the essence of management. The role of leaders is very large in forming innovative organizations and this role is difficult for other people to replace. This is because to form an innovative organization, the most important thing is not to find as many creative people as possible to employ in the organization. The most important thing is to create a process and environment that can help the birth of as many creative ideas as possible. The only person who has the ability to do that is of course the person who has the highest power in the organization. Everyone who wants to be a leader should understand how to mobilize other people to do extraordinary things in the organization they lead. A person is said to be a leader if he is able to transform values into action, vision into reality, obstacles into innovation, differences into solidarity, and risks into rewards. A leader's leadership should be able to create change, be able to create a new atmosphere where people turn challenging opportunities into extraordinary success. To become a future leader requires experience, you need to be involved and experience various things at work and even in leading, thereby ensuring success in your leadership. A person is said to be a leader if he is able to transform values into action, vision into reality, obstacles into innovation, differences into solidarity, and risks into rewards. A leader's leadership should be able to create change, be able to create a new atmosphere where people turn challenging opportunities into extraordinary success. To become a future leader requires experience, you need to be involved and experience various things at work and even in leading, thereby ensuring success in your leadership. A person is said to be a leader if he is able to transform values into action, vision into reality, obstacles into innovation, differences into solidarity, and risks into rewards. A leader's leadership should be able to create change, be able to create a new atmosphere where people turn challenging opportunities into extraordinary success. To become a future leader requires experience, you need to be involved and experience various things at work and even in leading, thereby ensuring success in your leadership. A leader's leadership should be able to create change, be able to create a new atmosphere where people turn challenging opportunities into extraordinary success. To become a future leader requires experience, you need to be involved and experience various things at work and even in leading, thereby ensuring success in your leadership. A leader's leadership should be able to create change, be able to create a new atmosphere where people turn challenging opportunities into extraordinary success. To become a future leader requires experience, you need to be involved and experience various things at work and even in leading, thereby ensuring success in your leadership.


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