What Is A School Principal'S Management Strategy In Creating Quality Teachers?


  • M. Taufiq Universitas Almuslim, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Suparta Rasyid Universitas Al Muslim, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Marnita Marnita Universitas Al Muslim, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Alfi Syahrin Universitas Al Muslim, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Siti Khaulah Universitas Al Muslim, Aceh, Indonesia


School Principal Strategy, Principal Management, Quality Teacher.


The presence of quality teachers cannot be separated from the role of a principal who is the leader in every school. This research aims to present professional teachers as the spearheads in the world of education. The challenges faced by many school principals today are very complex, including the limitations of teachers in developing the potential they have within themselves as teachers. The research method used in this research was Qualitative at Bireuen Aceh 1 State High School. The alleged participants were 15 participants, consisting of 1 principal, 4 deputy principals, and 10 teachers. The instrument tools used are interviews and documentation. Furthermore, the data will be described without changing or reducing the authenticity of the first data obtained during the research. The research results show that with a strategy based on the concept of strong principal management, the quality of teachers can be improved in carrying out their duties as professional teachers, with the presence of quality teachers through principal management, high-quality graduates will be born. In conclusion, with the existence of a principal management strategy that is based on principal management concepts and theories, there will be quality and high- achieving teachers.


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