Digital-Based Service In Higher Education: A Systematic Literatur Review


  • Rahmawati Rahmawati UPI, Bandung
  • Johar Permana UPI, Bandung
  • Diding Nurdin UPI, Bandung
  • Cepi Triatna UPI, Bandung
  • Sri Wahyuni Universitas Almuslim, Aceh, Indonesia


digital-based service, higher education, systematic literatur review


The industrial revolution 4.0 has required higher education institutions to follow changes by changing education services to digital-based ones. The aim of this article is to identify and summarize the various types of digital-based services that are taking place in higher education institutions. To answer the research questions, the research method used is a systematic literature review by selecting and reviewing of literature that meet the requirements and are relevant as literature sources for analyzing the types of digital-based services that exist in higher education institutions. Digital-based services can be defined as a service that is carried out using a full technical system, where users call on digital information, computing, communication and automation (ICCAT) technology systems which together can create the desired results. The research findings provide a comprehensive understanding and valuable information for stakeholders regarding the digital-based services that need to be available in a higher education institution.


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