Interaction Patterns Of The Baduy Society In Term Of An Anthropological Aspect


  • Cut Khairani Universitas Almuslim, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Fuady Fuady Universitas Iskandar Muda, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Roy Barmadi Universitas Almuslim, Aceh, Indonesia


Inner Baduy Tribe, Changes in Anthropological Elements, Cultural Values, Tribe Traditional


The Inner Baduy tribe is a distinct sub-ethnic group within Sundanese society. They reside in Kenekes Village, which falls under the jurisdiction of Leuwidamar District in Lebak Regency, Banten Province. The Inner Baduy adhere to strict customs and depend on the natural environment to sustain their way of life, and consistently strive to preserve ecological balance. This is achieved by the application of fundamental traditional principles that govern their daily lives, thus shaping Inner Baduy culture in terms of cognition, behavior, and attitude. The purpose of this research, entitled "The Interaction Pattern of Inner Baduy Tribe from Anthropology Aspect," is to examine the interaction aspect in Inner Baduy community from anthropology point of view. Specifically, this research aims to investigate the following dimensions: (1) social system, (2) knowledge system, (3) cultural system, (4) religion, (5) economic system, and (6) technological system. By analyzing these aspects, a comprehensive understanding of the interaction pattern of Inner Baduy Tribe can be achieved.  This research utilizes the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) methodology, using a secondary data collection approach that does not involve direct observation. Instead, data is obtained from previously completed studies or existing research. The retrieval process of accredited journals and articles was conducted using Google Scholar. Articles were refined by limiting the publication timeframe to cover the years 2017 to 2023. In addition, a maximum limit of 200 articles was set for the search results. These criteria included screening publications based on the use of qualitative research methodology. As a result, a total of 10 research articles were obtained from the initial 200 articles. In addition, the researcher documented the articles into an analysis table. In the next stage, the researcher conducted a comprehensive analysis, thorough evaluation, and in-depth investigation. The findings of this study show (1) Observable changes can be seen through shifts in social systems, knowledge acquisition, cultural practices, economic structures, religious beliefs, and technological advances. (2) The context of Inner Baduy knowledge system is that the presence of a smart person is considered unimportant. Instead, what is more important is an individual who has comprehensive understanding and wisdom, so that it can protect them from potential fraud and manipulation by others. In addition, the Inner Baduy tribe does not apply writing in their beliefs, oral comes before writing, so there is no physical evidence or writing that can be read or seen related to the religion of the Inner Baduy tribe. However, it is passed down orally from parents who are inherited by the ancestors. (3) The cultural aspect of the Inner Baduy tribe has undergone a transformation in the process of global development. A number of individuals from the Inner Baduy tribe have violated the traditional legal framework that once regulated their existence, which resulted in some of the Inner Baduy community moving to the Outer Baduy area. (4) In addition, there has been an important religious shift, with some people switching from Sunda Wiwitan religion to Islam. The transformation of religious aspects can be attributed to several reasons, such as the influx of visitors, government initiatives for national progress, and the introduction of communication technology to the Baduy tribe area. (5) The majority of individuals from the Inner Baduy tribe are involved in agricultural activities. The agricultural methods used by the Baduy community have been passed down for generations, reflecting the lasting influence of the animistic and dynamic beliefs of the Baduy tribe. In addition, the local community is also involved in the production of woven handicrafts that depict the cultural heritage of the Baduy area. These handicrafts, including clothing, sal, sarong, and many other products made from Baduy woven materials, have gained popularity among visitors and are highly sought after as souvenirs for every visitor. (6) There are no residents who own technological devices or cellular phones. However, there are some residents who have a good understanding of technology and have knowledge of existing social media platforms.


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