Misleading The Russian Exodus Between Facts And Hoaxes In Social Media
Misleading, Exodus, Russia-Ukraine WarAbstract
Russian politics in conventional wars not only occurred in the first and second wars but also related to social media wars, such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, TikTok, and even Russian and Ukrainian citizen journalists took part in the war; this resulted in a misleading exodus of Russian society between facts and hoaxes. Looking at the case study after Russia's political decision to mobilize the reserve army partially, we understand that the current war events are not necessarily clear facts and reality. This study looks at the misleading exodus of Russian society between points and hoaxes that occur on social media. This paper uses a qualitative method. This paper aims to gain an in-depth understanding of the misleading exodus of Russian society between facts and hoaxes after the Russian government's political decree on the partial mobilization of the reserve army in the Russia-Ukraine war. The data is obtained through the search for news texts, photos, videos, statements, digital traces as communication artifacts, both valuable news and hoaxes, and even citizen journalism reports from the West, Ukraine, and even Russia in various social media from multiple places of events. Therefore, this paper formulates the following questions: 1) what caused the public exodus with the facts of the post-decree process? (2) how did the social reception of Russian society on the facts and hoaxes on the partial mobilization of the reserve army cornered Russia? (3) how misleading is formed in Russian culture due to continuous false information until public attitudes are formed between rejecting and accepting info on the partial mobilization of the Russian reserve army in the Russia-Ukraine war. Results: shows that the misleading exodus of Russian society in facts and hoaxes provides an overview; (1) Political motives are thick in the case of partial mobilization for the reserve army, and there is a goal of bringing down the ruling government intending to weaken and or prevent President Putin from continuing his intention to conquer Ukraine; (2) Hoaxes are carried out continuously and repeatedly through social media to form public opinion that the opinion is genuine. (3) misleading exodus in social media. This finding shows that there has been a misleading exodus of Russian society between facts and hoaxes on Russian political decrees.
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