Quality Public Service In Service Public Mal Aceh Tengah Regency


  • Edy Putra Kelana Universitas Almuslim, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Arusyak Ivanyan Northern University, Armenia


Quality, Public Service, Citizen


Almost every day, in various mass media, especially in newspapers, it is found that there are so many complaints and unsatisfactory from the community, as the customer, towards the current implementation of public service. This complaints and unsatisfactory from the community, as customer service, at least can describe how bad the quality of the current public service is that enjoyed by the community. Perhaps, it is the right time for the community to be treated as citizen, who later will have rights and give priority to their rights for being served. They are not anymore being considered as client who previously have no any choice in choosing and have no choice to determine what kind of service that they really want to. There are so many results from research, seminar and writings that are worked by experts in which their works are talking about the implementation of a good and qualified public service. As far as this present day, however, the qualified public service has not yet implemented as should have been. The implementation of public service still acts as however it please to be and only emphasize on its own interest without considering the consumer’s importance as the party who really should be served as well as possible. For this reason, a research, which is done in Service Public Mal of the Aceh Tengah Regency, tries to find out any factors that affecting quality of the public service.The main core of the public service implementation is the quality of norm of the service executor. The matter that should be realized is that the executor is the person who should serve for the community and the community is the one who should be served as well as possible


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