The Concept of Angles Formed by a Transversal: A Study of Undergraduate Students’ Learned Knowledge in the Didactic Transposition Process


  • Herizal Herizal 2Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
  • Nanang Priatna Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


angles formed by a transversal, concept image, didactic transposition, geometry, learned knowledge


Didactic transposition is the process of transposing knowledge from reconstructed knowledge to knowledge that is organized and taught in the classroom. This method is critical to ensuring that there are no gaps or misconceptions between student knowledge and scholarly knowledge. Given the significance of didactic transposition, particularly of learned knowledge, a qualitative study using phenomenology as the design was carried out to ascertain the concept images of undergraduate students. This study focused on how undergraduate students conceptualized the concept of angles formed by a transversal. Nine undergraduate students in one of the public university in Aceh were given two questions. The results showed that six students had formed an incorrect concept image. They believed that pairs of angles would be formed if two parallel lines were cut by a transversal; each pair of corresponding angles, alternate interior angles, and alternate exterior angles must be congruent; and the measure of the angles must be known, to form each pair  of same-side angles. These results indicate that there was an epistemological learning obstacle. Based on these findings, it is recommended that more processes of didactic transposition be revealed to determine the origins of these obstacles. Thus, alternative learning designs can be created to overcome this problem.


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