Analysis of Public Satisfaction with Education Services in Lhokseumawe and North Aceh


  • Zainul Mujtahid Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia.
  • Yulia Zahara Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia.
  • Wulanda Wulanda Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia.


Educational service, community satisfaction index, office workers, field workers


Educational service is a crucial element in educational institutions. Therefore, providing good educational services is a key element in creating a superior generation in the future. This research was conducted with the aim of determining the level of satisfaction of the people of Lhokeumawe and North Aceh with the quality of education services, especially in schools. This research used a survey method to obtain community satisfaction index (IKM) data from 800 respondents, of which 400 respondents were office workers and the other 400 respondents were field workers. Based on the information obtained, it was found that 99% of respondents felt they enjoyed educational services and the 400 field worker respondents, 95% of respondents felt they enjoyed educational services. Another fact is that 400 office worker respondents, 51% of respondents rated the performance of educational services as very good, 35% rated it as good, 11% rated it as not good, and 3% rated it as poor. Meanwhile, among 400 field worker respondents, 44% of respondents rated the performance of education services as very good, 36% rated it as good, 11% rated it as not good, and 9% rated it as poor. Another fact obtained is that, based on the dimensions of tangibles, reliability, empathy, and responsiveness from educational service providers, the majority of both types of Respondents, expect improvements in the field of completeness of educational infrastructure from the relevant education department, as well as the empathy and responsiveness of schools in understanding and responding to complaints and needs. respondents as recipients of educational services



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