Gender Inequalities, Sex Education, And Development Supervision Adolescents In Aceh Indonesia


  • Khairul Hasni Universitas Almuslim, Aceh, Indonesia


Children, adolescents, education, Sustainable Development Goals, Islamic Law


Children and adolescents are vulnerable, with many experiencing violence and sexual harassment, which continues to increase in Aceh. The public has become increasingly aware of  violence due to the availability of information regarding cases of violence. One factor influencing adolescent development is the global development that teenagers are increasingly experiencing, which is accelerating with the advancement of the industrial and technological revolutions. The lack of knowledge about protecting young people from the influence of sex is worsened by pornography. Inadequate support from law enforcement in providing protection to victims means that children's cases do not receive legal justice. Combined with a lack of religious knowledge from the family, this can cause teenage children to be difficult to control properly. This discussion, as a reflection of reality, contradicts the views of the majority Muslim society in Aceh Province. Based on extensive ethnographic fieldwork, meetings, and a study discussing the issue of violence against children and adolescents, the problem continues to escalate with the official implementation of Islamic Law in Aceh. In Acehnese society, the research results suggest that parental supervision of children is not yet a priority due to  various family factors, including family achievement and understanding of child support, which are still not well implemented. Reproductive health education for children is still minimal and taboo, both in school and family environments. In order to guarantee gender equality in a context of cultural diversity, schools and the educational community must promote gender equality, which is influenced by different social and cultural dynamics.


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