GeoGebra Applet as an Online Learning Media in Solving the Roots of Nonlinear Equations


  • Yeni Listiana Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia.
  • Aklimawati Aklimawati Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia.
  • Wulandari Wulandari Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia.
  • Erna Isfayani Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia.


GeoGebra Applets, Media, Nonlinear, Online Learning, Roots


This research is motivated by the importance of accurately solving nonlinear equations, which have implications for various fields that use linear equations as a problem-solving and modeling tool. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research into the development of online learning media that can make it easier for students to complete the iteration stages in finding the roots of nonlinear equations. They are considered the right medium to solve this problem. GeoGebra applets are designed and developed according to the students' needs, learning objectives, and methods used in solving the roots of nonlinear equations, and then uploaded to the GeoGebra website for easy access by students. The development of GeoGebra applets aims to assess the feasibility of the developed media based on expert assessments and student response questionnaires. The method used is the research and development model of Borg and Gall. The expert validators are 4 mathematics education lecturers who teach numerical methods courses from 4 universities. Based on the expert assessment, the medium was declared highly valid with a score of 87.92%. Questionnaires were given to 20 students of Mathematics Education at Malikussaleh University in preliminary field testing. Based on the questionnaire, the students' responses in the preliminary field testing were 93.42% in the very good category. Thus, the GeoGebra Applet online learning medium is suitable for further research in Main Field Testing.


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