The Description of Bullying among Victims of Bullying in Modern Islamic Boarding Schools


  • Rini Julistia Malikussaleh University


Bullying, victims of bullying, Modern Islamic Boarding School Students


This study aims to determine the description of bullying among victims of bullying in modern Islamic boarding schools. This research uses a descriptive quantitative approach, with univariate analysis, namely describing the level of bullying based on gender and aspects of bullying. The subjects in this research were eight hundred modern Islamic boarding school students who were obtained based on a non-probability sampling technique, namely purposive sampling. Based on the research results, it was found that the description of bullying among victims of bullying tends to be high, the majority of students are victims of bullying in modern Islamic boarding schools with a percentage of 50% but 43% other tended to be low. The research results also show that the majority of male students in modern Islamic boarding schools are victims of bullying, the victims of bullying among male students tend to be higher than female students. The low level of bullying among female students is because women have effective communication skills and are able to build good relationships with the people around them. The aspect that measures bullying the highest in this research is indirect bullying. This is because students do not realize that they are victims of bullying because bullying is carried out indirectly.

Author Biography

Rini Julistia, Malikussaleh University

Psychology Department of Medicine Faculty, Malikussaleh University

Kampus Utama Jl. Cot Tengku Nie, Reuleut, Muara Batu, Aceh Utara, 24355 – Indonesia


