The Relationship between Hardiness and Work Family Conflict in Teachers Implementing the Independent Curriculum in North Aceh
hardiness, teacher, work family conflictAbstract
The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between hardiness and work family conflict in teachers implementing the Merdeka Curriculum in North Aceh. The research method used in this research is quantitative research with a correlational research design and a sample size of 385 teachers. This study used Nonprobability Sampling technique, namely Incidental Sampling. The results of this study indicate a significant relationship between hardiness and work family conflict in teachers, with a negative correlation value of -0.483, therefore the hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, namely the relationship between hardiness and work family conflict. One of the causes of the emergence of work family conflict is because of the great demands of work, so that high hardiness tends to reduce the level of work family conflict to low. This shows the importance of hardiness in reducing the level of work family conflict in individuals because the higher the hardiness, the lower the level of work family conflict, and vice versa, the lower the hardiness, the higher the work family conflict.