Sexual violence prevention knowledge among parents of children with special needs in terms of educational background in Aceh
Knowledge, Prevention of sexual violenceAbstract
This research aims to determine knowledge of preventing sexual violence among parents of children with special needs in terms of educational background in Aceh. The research method used is a quantitative method with descriptive analysis which aims to create a systematic, factual and accurate description or picture. Data is obtained through a knowledge scale. The subjects in this research were 215 respondents who were obtained based on the incidental sampling method. The results of the research show that parents with S1/D4 education have a high percentage category compared to parents with elementary school education who have a low percentage category. This is because parents with an elementary school education background have very little information, they do not seek out information about preventing sexual violence through newspapers or social media, related to the problem of lack of interest in reading and their ability in social skills and problem solving. Parents with a diploma or master's degree have good knowledge about sexual violence against children. This is in line with government programs in accordance with law number 47 of 2008 concerning compulsory education. Compulsory education serves to expand and equalize opportunities to obtain quality education for every Indonesian citizen. Compulsory education aims to provide minimum education for Indonesian citizens to be able to develop their potential so they can live independently in society or continue their education to a higher level. The 12-year Wajardikdas is a follow-up program to the 9-year Wajardikdas, which functions to increase the intelligence of the nation's children.