The Influence Of Islamic Positive Thinking (Husnudzan) On Future Anxiety In Final Year Students At Islamic-Based Universities In Bandung City


  • Ratu Bilqis Salsabila University of Informatics and Business
  • Dyah Rachman Kuswartanti University of Informatics and Business
  • Nida Muthi Annisa University of Informatics and Business


Islamic Positive Thinking, Future Anxiety, Final Year Students


The role of final year students held by individuals brings many hopes and demands related to the future. Individuals can look at the future with both positive and negative attitudes, when the positive dominates, the individual will be full of hope. Meanwhile, if the negative attitude is dominant, the individual can experience feelings of fear and worry that lead to future anxiety. Originating from the mind, the concept of future anxiety has a relationship that is contrary to Islamic positive thinking or husnudzan. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of Islamic positive thinking on future anxiety in final year students at Islamic-based universities in the city of Bandung. The subjects in this study are 212 people, with data processing using a quantitative method with a regression approach. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling with a data collection method through a questionnaire in the form of a Google Form. The hypothesis test in this study is using a simple linear regression analysis test where it is known that the significance level is 0,000 and (β) -0,552 with an R Square of 0,103. This provides an understanding that there is a significant negative influence of Islamic positive thinking on future anxiety in final year students at Islamic-based universities in the city of Bandung.

Author Biographies

Ratu Bilqis Salsabila, University of Informatics and Business

Faculty of Psychology, Indonesian University of Informatics and Business

Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 643 Bandung 40286 – Indonesia

Dyah Rachman Kuswartanti, University of Informatics and Business

Faculty of Psychology, Indonesian University of Informatics and Business

Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 643 Bandung 40286 – Indonesia

Nida Muthi Annisa, University of Informatics and Business

Faculty of Psychology, Indonesian University of Informatics and Business

Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 643 Bandung 40286 – Indonesia


