PCB Layout Detection Using Eucledian Distance Algorithm


  • Muhammad Ikhwanus Department of Electro. Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Malikussaleh
  • T.Iqbal Faridiansyah Department of Electro. Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Zulfikar Department of Electro. Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Malikussaleh


layout, euclidean, simlarity


In the image identification process, the determination of geometric coordinate transformations must be in line with the
two images. To identify the tested image, the size of similarity is defined by the alignment quality of these two images,
which measures the similarity between the tested and the fixed image. So that to detect PCB layout, it also be determined
by matching the PCB image reference feature with the tested PCB image based on differences in the imaging conditions
result. Ideally, a good similarity measurement has almost a zero deferent value and a larger value for different images.
Therefore, the Eucledian distance algorithm is proposed in this paper to detect similarity among PCBs layout with 15
training image and 30 tested images samples. Each training image has a varying reduction quality of image. From the
simulation results can be concluded that this algorithm can be used in a detecting similarity of PCB layout


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