Implementation Of Policies For Devoleping Aceh. S Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises


  • Maryam Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Ade Muana Husniati Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Liza Fahira Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Yayang Suwiji Universitas Malikussaleh



Implementations Policies, Developing Aceh. S Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises


The MSME policy in Aceh is underwritten by the Nanggre Aceh Darusalam (NAD) qanun number 19 of 2004 concerning the empowerment of small business centers which in article 5 states that the development and development of small business centers is carried out by the government, the business community and the community, both independently and jointly. directed, integrated and sustainable. The number of MSMEs currently in Aceh is 74,810 MSMEs spread throughout Aceh. 73. 580 of them still need the government's role in assistance services, (Diskopukm, Aceh 2020). Development activities have been carried out on 612 MSME center units but this activityexperiencing several obstacles including lack of institutional capacity, lack of human resources, market access and use of appropriate technology, opening access and opportunities for MSME players to be able to compete and side by side with the national market. One of the urgent activities that must be carried out by the Aceh government is carrying out MSME promotion activities both to the national market and the global market.This study uses a qualitative method withdata collection techniques used observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis was carried out using an interactive analysis model with four stages (a) data collection (2) data reduction, (3) data presentation (4) conclusion drawing. The results of the study illustrate that MSME development is carried out in several segments, namely institutional development, human resource development, financing, marketing, and production. In the development of MSME in Aceh there are two excellent programs carried out, namely business mentors and business meetings. Promotional activities were carried out through the Aceh Expo UMKM exhibition, Aceh fashion week. Constraints in the development of MSMEs are internal and external constraints from both the government, MSME actors and the community..


