Current Issue

Vol. 4 (2024): Proceedings of International Conference on Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities (ICoSPOLHUM)

The 4th International Conference on Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities (ICoSPOLHUM) 2023, organized by Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, will be held on 14-15 November 2023 (Online and Onsite).

This year's theme is "The Contributions of Social Sciences and Humanities to Sustainable Development” This conference provides an academic forum for researchers to share meaningful and valuable information in the social sciences, politics, and humanities related to the latest discoveries expected to contribute to developing a digital society in Indonesia. We cordially invite academics, researchers, scientists, students, and policy makers from different countries to present and share knowledge and reflections in this year conference.

The conference sub-topic are:
-    Artificial Intelligence, Humanity, Cultural Issues and peaceful society
-    Social Media, conflict and Peaceful development
-    Peace Communication, politics, and development
-    Development and Digital Communication
-    Energy Politics and Policy
-    Local Communities and Sustainable Development
-    Industry, Conflict, and Agrarian Reform
-    Ethics and integrity of public servives
-    Education, sustainable development dan peacebuilding
-    Religion, development, and peaceful society
-    Good Governance and public accoutability
-    Democracy and transformative governance
-    Law, policy, and peaceful development

Published: 2024-01-25


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The core values ​​of sustainable development are the triadic relationship between economic growth, social welfare, and environmental sustainability. However, this philosophy of sustainable development is still just jargon without any empirical relevance. Development implemented in almost all parts of the world has not placed the issue of human and natural ecology as the basis for plans, let alone policies and programs. As a result, the interaction between humans and nature is getting further away from the principles of sustainability, which in the end, nature continues to threaten human life. In the epistemological realm, this reality stage is constructed because of the sin of Cartesian logic, which creates a dualism between natural science and social science. It takes an integrative view of the Giddenisian and Kantinisian styles to produce a solution-based contribution to people's lives through the implementation of development that is pro-human and natural ecology, especially social science and humanities.

Malikussaleh University as one of the developing higher education institutions in Aceh, plans to hold an international conference entitled "3 rd International Conference on Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities (3 rd ICoSPOLHUM)" with the theme "The Contributions of Social Sciences and Humanities to Sustainable Development” held by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. This conference provides an academic forum for researchers to share meaningful and valuable information in the social sciences, politics, and humanities related to the latest discoveries expected to contribute to developing a digital society in Indonesia.