National Interest within the Capital City Relocation Project State-Centered Theory Analysis


  • Khairurrizqo Khairurrizqo Faculty of Social and Political Science Jenderal Soedirman University



State-Centered Theory, Capital City Relocations, State Autonomy, National Interest


The Indonesian government's proposal to relocate the Capital City (IKN) from Jakarta to East Kalimantan has faced various objections from different sectors. Nevertheless, the government has proceeded with the IKN relocation project despite in criticisms and opposition. This article provides a policy analysis of the IKN relocation using a qualitative approach and state-centered theory assumptions such as national interests, state autonomy, and limitations. The findings indicate that the IKN relocation policy aligns with various state-centered theory assumptions. Although there is public debate and political dynamics among political parties in parliament, there are clear indications of state autonomy in the IKN relocation policy. The state's ability to consolidate executive-legislative power in the IKN relocation policy. However, the state does not have absolute autonomy. There are limitations in realizing the state's interests in the IKN relocation, which must ultimately serve national interests.


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