Marketing Communication Strategy PT. Partner Energy Company in Distribution of Subsidized Gas to Poor Communities


  • Ikram Ikram Student of Communication Science Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Kamaruddin Hasan Lecture of Communication Science Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Mukhlis Mukhlis Lecture of Communication Science Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Aceh, Indonesia
  • M. Ali Lecture of Communication Science Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Aceh, Indonesia



Marketing communication strategy, PT. Mitra Energy Company, subsidized gas distribution, and the poor


Communication strategies are currently widely implemented by every company. One company that uses a communication strategy to consumers is PT. Partner Energy Company. PT. Mitra Energy Company is a company engaged in the gas industry, especially subsidized 3 Kg gas. The aim of this research is to find out the marketing communication strategy of PT. Mitra Energy Company in distributing 3 Kg subsidized gas to the poor and to find out the obstacles faced by PT. Partner Energy Company in implementing marketing communication strategies. The research method used is a qualitative method. The results of the research show that the marketing communication strategy of PT. Mitra Energy Company in the distribution of subsidized gas, namely by utilizing the use of promotions and direct sales. The company's duty is to channel or distribute gas to the 3 Kg gas base, not to the public, the public cannot make purchases at this company. However, PT. Mitra Energy Company has carried out the work that is their responsibility so that they believe that the distribution of subsidized gas has gone well and is right on target, namely aimed at the poor. The obstacles faced in the marketing communication strategy are that there are consumers who cannot use technology and the company does not have social media or a website.


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