Political Public Space In The 2024 Election Social Media Platform; Between Expectations And Reality


  • Kamaruddin Hasan Malikussaleh University, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Zulfadli Zulfadli Malikussaleh University, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Muchlis Muchlis Malikussaleh University, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Masriadi Masriadi Malikussaleh University, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Asmaul Husna Malikussaleh University, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Awaluddin Awaluddin Malikussaleh University, Aceh, Indonesia




Public Space Politics, Social Media Platforms, Literacy, Elections


Political public space in social media platforms the 2024 election will be attention Lots circles. Conflict discourse in room public political via social media platforms of course is something common and significant in context modern democracy. However when blunt make room public in social media disturbing or not Healthy. Social media has become receptacle for individual, group and society for convey opinion, discourse, opinion, information, interact in a way wide and others. Social Media has significant role in shape, influence opinions and choices political in election. Moment election is notes important in system democracy in Indonesia. Study This aim for analyze phenomenon conflict political public space in social media platforms. Use approach qualitative descriptive with analyze various source news, reports, public opinion and social media realit. Research result show that discourse conflict public space in social media the 2024 election occurs in a number of aspect among others; conflict between party politics, team success, conflict support and inter supporters. Social media often present incident violence and provocation. Even conflict between social media platforms That Alone. Competition business and interests politics. Conflict This can influence content, discourse and narrative. Study this is also revealing that phenomenon conflict public space in social media own significant impact to the public and the democratic process. Conflict can increase polarization and strengthening extreme attitudes between public. Besides Therefore, conflict can also occur obscure issue substance and diversion attention public of the important agendas that must be done discussed in election. Needed social media literacy, digital literacy and politics No only for public, also share party politics, the government is also a social media activist. Guard ethics, politeness and present regulations media social in every elections in Indonesia. In context this is important collaboration in a way harmonious both media platforms, actors capital business, government, party politics, organizer elections, and the public for you're welcome responsible answer presents a step-by-step process the 2024 election will mature, educate, give birth to an aura of harmonization.


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