Collaborative Governance In The Rehabilitation Of Drug Abuse Victims In Medan City


  • Cut Sukmawati Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Donny Alviandi Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Malikussaleh



Collaborative Governance, Drug Rehabilitation, Sustainability of Rehabilitation Programs


This research examines collaborative governance in the rehabilitation of drug abuse victims in Medan City, North Sumatra Province. The drug phenomenon in this area is a serious problem with a high number of cases and suspects of drug crimes. Data from the Research, Data and Information Center of the National Narcotics Agency in 2021 recorded 41,084 cases of drug abuse and 53,405 suspects throughout Indonesia. North Sumatra became one of the provinces with the highest number of cases, reaching 6,077 cases, and Medan City accounted for 2,416 cases, the highest among other areas in the province. Collaborative actions were taken to prevent the development of drug abuse cases involving several key components. Medan Plus Foundation provides adequate rehabilitation facilities, including safe housing, specialized therapy rooms, and medical facilities. Regular education and counseling programs are implemented using lectures, group discussions, and visual presentations to raise awareness among victims and the community. In mentoring and counseling, Medan Plus Foundation applies Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to change harmful mindsets and behaviors. Regular monitoring and evaluation are conducted with predetermined tools, including reports involving various relevant parties for transparency and accountability. Although collaborative efforts have been made, this study shows the need for further efforts to improve the effectiveness of the CBT program


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