An Interpretation on Sharia, Islamic Nomocracy and the Muslim World: The Case of Aceh Special Region


  • Herdi Sahrasad Sahrasad University of Paramadina, Jakarta
  • Al Chaidar Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh
  • T Alfiady Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh



Nomokrasi, Supremasi Hukum, Teleokrasi, Aceh, Indonesia


Many ulemas, clerics and Islamic Scholars in the Muslim World look to Islamic Constitutionalism as their best chance of achieving justice, prosperity, and independence, as this article illustrates. Since "God is abstract, only God's laws are real," Many Islamic Scholars, clerics and Islamists argue that Islamic nomocracy, or power based on Allah's commandments, is the best form of government for Muslims. The term "Islamic law" is commonly used to refer to a political system founded on Islamic law (Shari'ah). Aceh's regional government administration system and the environment of implementing special autonomy for the Aceh Government have both changed dramatically since the passage of the UUPA (Aceh Government Law). When Aceh embraces Islamic law, it helps promote civilization because Sharia is applicable to more than only the judicial system. Politics, matrimony, religion, kinship, and muamalah are all fair game. The Islamic Sharia law has had a long and deep impact on Acehnese culture. Islamic teachings have been applied in the areas of worship, marriage, and inheritance since the Aceh sultanate, and as a result, these practises have permeated and infused themselves into people's daily lives and persist to this day.


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