Implementation Of Curriculum Policy Edutechno Islamic Preneurship In Aceh


  • Muklir Muklir Malikussaleh University, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Hasyem Malikussaleh University, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Saharudin Saharudin Malikussaleh University, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Abdullah Abdullah Malikussaleh University, Aceh, Indonesia



Policy, Islamic Edutechno Preneurship


Referring to Law Number 44 of 1999 concerning Aceh's privileges, Aceh Qanun Number 11 of 2014 article 5 paragraph 2 which explains that the national education system in Aceh is organized in an Islamic and integrated manner to achieve educational goals, Aceh Qanun Number 9 of 2015 article 19 paragraph 1 which explains that the Aceh government has the authority to formulate an Islamic curriculum at the PAUD, SD, SMP, SMA, SMK and SLB levels, and the Aceh government has the authority to implement the national curriculum at the secondary education and special education levels, so the Aceh government launched a curriculum called Edutechno Islamic Preneurship. This research is located at SMK Negeri 3 Lhokseumawe and aims to determine the policy content of the Islamic Edutechno Preneurship curriculum and to determine the supporting and inhibiting factors for its implementation at SMK Negeri 3 Lhokseumawe. Currently the national curriculum has not been integrated with the Islamic-based concept of Aceh's local wisdom, therefore it is deemed necessary to conduct research to analyze the policy content of the Islamic Edutechno Preneurship curriculum. This research is qualitative research using observation, interviews and documentation methods. The results of the research show that the Islamic Edutechno Preneurship curriculum is implemented well at SMK Negeri 3 Lhokseumawe but still needs improvement in the aspects of socialization, supervisory supervision, Islamic-based books and continuous improvement of human resources. The conclusion of this research is that the Islamic Edutechno Prenership curriculum needs to be implemented comprehensively within the Aceh Education Department in order to create vocational students who have skills and have noble character and uphold Islamic Acehan values.


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