Analysis of Intrapersonal Communication in Increasing Self-Confidence Among Generation Z


  • Asmaul Husna 6Communication Science student of Fisipol Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Kamaruddin Hasan Communication Science student of Fisipol Universitas Malikussaleh
  • M. Paisal Siregar Communication Department, Social and Political Science Faculty, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia.
  • Putri Sinta Communication Science student of Fisipol Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Syahrial Doli Harahap Communication Science student of Fisipol Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Zahra Aulia Sani Communication Department, Social and Political Science Faculty, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia.



Intrapersonal Communication, Self-Confidence, Generation Z


The advancement of the times has greatly influenced the importance of intrapersonal communication in overcoming challenges and increasing self-confidence. In this digital era, the use of social media and pressure from the digital environment also play an important role in influencing self-confidence among generation Z. Self-confidence is very important in life because without self-confidence there will always be doubts in a person to do something. This research uses a library research method. The literature research method is research conducted using literature. The literature method plays an important role in formulating the theoretical basis and conceptual framework. In today's digital era, generation Z has been made easier by the existence of social media, with social media people are more active on social media than in the real world. In fact, even introverted people are very active on social media compared to extroverted people. Social media really helps the development of one's self-confidence and it is not uncommon for people to develop more on social media than in the real world. The results obtained to increase self-confidence in generation Z are by understanding oneself, increasing motivation and perseverance, self-talk, opening up, and talking to the closest people about their feelings and thoughts.


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