The Combination of Normative Juridical Methods and Literature in Educational Administration Research


  • Tatang Sudrajat Universitas Sangga Buana



methods, research, normative juridical, educational administration


Educational problems in the life of society and the nation, including educational administration, often require the use of research approaches and methods commonly used in other fields of science. The study of educational administration covers the area of study not only regarding administrative or management functions in education, but also other areas of study such as education policy, human resources, information systems and finance. Using the library method, it is known that research in education administration studies generally uses quantitative, qualitative, mixed quantitative-qualitative, and evaluative approaches/methods. Through a policy analysis approach, which originates from public policy studies, issues regarding education policy as part of education administration can focus on analyzing the substance of the policy in the form of state/government regulations that have been set by policy makers. Various educational policies that have been stipulated by the state/government, are areas of study for policy analysts so that they can be identified as belonging to the category of good policies or bad policies. Normative juridical methods commonly used in the study of law can be adapted as a methodological alternative in education administration research, which is combined with the library method.


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