Analysis of Microalgae Growth Based on Availability of Nutrients in Freshwater


  • Mainisa Aquaculture Department, Agriculture Faculty, Malikussaleh University
  • Saiful Adhar Aquaculture Department, Agriculture Faculty, Malikussaleh University
  • Muliani Aquaculture Department, Agriculture Faculty, Malikussaleh University
  • Fendi Saputra Aquaculture Department, Agriculture Faculty, Malikussaleh University
  • Sakinah Hsb Aquaculture Department, Agriculture Faculty, Malikussaleh University



Microalgae, Phosphate, Nitrate, Chlorophyll, Laut Tawar Lake


Microalgae have the potential to developed into medicinal products, wastewater treatment, food and energy products. Indonesia is a tropical country has the potential to produce microalgae. The growth of microalgae was influenced by several factors, the main factors is nutrition. This study aims to produce a pattern of mathematical relationships between microalgae growth and nutrient availability of the Laut Tawar Lake. Data collection was carried out for 30 days with a frequency of 7 days at 7 stations. Furthermore, the analysis was carried out to obtain concentration values of nitrate, phosphate and chlorophyll-a. Nitrate concentrations during the study ranged from 310-430 µg/L. The lowest average nitrate concentration was found at Station 4, which was 330 ± 34.64 µg/L and the highest was found at Station 3, which was 396.67 ± 41.63 µg/L. Phosphate concentrations during the study ranged from 18 – 22 µg/L. The highest phosphate concentrations were found at Station 1 and Station 6, which were 20.67 ± 0.58 µg/L and 20.67 ± 1.53 µg/L, and the lowest were found at Station 3, which were 19.00 ± 1.00 µg/L. The concentration of chlorophyll-a ranges from 5 – 12 µg/L. The highest average concentration of chlorophyll-a was obtained at Station 6, which was 10.00 ± 1.00 µg/L and the lowest was found at Station 3, which was 7.00 ± 2.00 µg/L. In conclusion, increasing nitrate in the Lake Laut Tawar did not increase microalgae biomass, microalgae species in that habitat were influenced by nutrient phosphate.


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