Affecting Factors in Space Changing of Tsunami Assisted House in Gampong Bitai, Banda Aceh


  • Cut Yusra Master Degree Student of Architecture, Syiah Kuala University
  • Elysa Wulandari Lecture of Architectural Engineering, Syiah Kuala University
  • Muliadi Lecture of Architectural Engineering, Syiah Kuala University



change of space, tsunami relief house, gampong bitai


The rehabilitation and reconstruction program for Aceh and Nias after the earthquake and tsunami in Aceh in 2004 are included building relief houses, which in Gampong Bitai Banda Aceh as many as 235 housing units, type 45+ from the Turkey Red Crescent (TRC) in 2006. Currently (2022) ), most of the houses seemed to be getting bigger, with the result the neighborhood is getting denser. The purpose of the study was to determine the factors that influence the residents to change their houses. This research is important to understand the phenomenon in society, which could be as an anticipated in dealing with the slums in the future according to SDGs point 11. The research approach was using a combination of quantitative-qualitative research, on 40 sample units (17.02%), using the SPSS statistical method. The aspects were studied including: occupancy aspects (space changes): and occupant aspects (6 factors). The results shows that most influence space change by looking at the correlation value obtained that the priority hierarchy of residents changing their occupancy, namely economic increase (r = 0.804), socio-cultural (r = 0.780), self-identity (r = 0.728), and addition of family members (r = 0.544) while lifestyle changes (r = -0.120) and the use of new technologies (r = 0.175) have a very low correlation to space changes. The improvement of the economy becomes very influential because with a sufficient economy, people can increase their space needs as they wish. Meanwhile, lifestyle factors are a little concerned because specifically the Gampong Bitai research area is not an urban society so it has not demanded modern living facilities.


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