Settlement Of Default Between Business Owners In Endorsement Agreements Through Social Media Reviewed From The Civil Code (Research Study In Bireuen City)


  • Wulan Ikhwana Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Muhammad Nasir Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Hamdani Hamdani Universitas Malikussaleh


Defaults, Agreements, Endorsements


Online shop business owners have a promotional strategy to develop their business. One of the popular promotional services in online shops and Instagram users is the endorsement service. Endorsement agreements often cause unwanted things, so the cooperation is not always smooth and successful, depending on the awareness and responsibility of each party, especially the endorsement service provider called the endorser. This study aims to find out the form of default between business owners in endorsement agreements and to find out the settlement of defaults between business owners in endorsement agreements on social media. This study uses an empirical juridical method with a legal sociological juridical approach. The research was carried out in several online shop business owners in Bireuen City. The data collection method was obtained from primary data and secondary data. Primary data refers to information collected directly from the source through interviews, while secondary data is obtained from books, journals, theses, and laws and regulations related to this research. Data analysis uses qualitative data. The results of the study show that the celebrity, which is referred to as an endorser, defaulted on the owner of the online shop business. The form of default committed by the endorser is uploading photos or videos of the product not on time. The settlement of default carried out by the owner of the online shop business is to give a warning and reprimand to the endorser, the settlement of default according to articles 1243-1244 of the Civil Code, namely by means that the creditor can ask for compensation from the debtor.

Author Biographies

Wulan Ikhwana, Universitas Malikussaleh

Faculty of Law

Muhammad Nasir, Universitas Malikussaleh

Faculty of Law

Hamdani Hamdani, Universitas Malikussaleh

Faculty of Law



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