Analysis of Disputes Related to Defaults in Debt and Receivable Agreements


  • Tata Nindya Putri Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Nurarafah Nurarafah Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Sofyan Jafar Universitas Malikussaleh


Law, Default, Debts, Guarante, Certificate


The purpose is to find out and analyze the judge's considerations in making decisions regarding cases of default in debt and receivable agreements and to know and understand the responsibilities of debtors in default in debt and receivable agreements. How do judges consider when deciding cases of default in debt and receivable agreements? The aim is to find out and analyze the judge's considerations in making decisions regarding cases of default in debt and receivable agreements. as well as knowing and understanding the debtor's responsibility for defaulting in the debt and receivable agreement. The research method aims to study one or more symptoms by analyzing them and by conducting in-depth fact checks. This research is included in normative legal research. Normative legal research is also called doctrinal law. This research was conceptualized as written in statutory regulations. Considering, that of all the arguments of the Plaintiff's lawsuit and the arguments of the Defendant's denial, according to the Panel of Judges the main issue in this case is "whether the Defendant's actions relating to the agreement to the Plaintiff constitute a breach of contract or not." In connection with the analysis of the judge's considerations regarding the petitum granted in decision Number 53/Pdt.G/2023/PN.Pms, namely regarding the conditions for the validity of an agreement in Article 1320 and Article 1321 of the Civil Code.

Author Biographies

Tata Nindya Putri, Universitas Malikussaleh

Faculty of Law

Nurarafah Nurarafah, Universitas Malikussaleh

Faculty of Law

Sofyan Jafar, Universitas Malikussaleh

Faculty of Law


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