The Impact of Technology Causing Sexual Violence Against Children


  • Rais Aufar Universitas Malikussaleh


Sexual Violence, Causes of Sexual Violence


This research aims to determine cases of sexual violence against children and the factors that cause violence. The research method used is normative juridical, then a qualitative research approach, while the nature of this research is perspective by analyzing so that it can answer the problems to be researched. The results of research on sexual abuse that often occurs against children, the perpetrators are usually people closest to the victim, such as fathers, uncles, neighbors, close friends and this includes the victim's family who are categorized as perpetrators of pedophilia (a sexual disorder in the form of lust for teenagers or children under the age of 14). So that they are stronger or have the power to carry out coercion, threats to commit sexual harassment. So that children experience violence, physical injuries and psychological disorders. Meanwhile, the cause of sexual violence against children is due to technology by accessing pornographic photos or videos so that the perpetrator will be aroused and act out what they are watching. Then, due to lack of parental supervision of children, children have the wrong social interactions. In this case, it is necessary to improve children's behavior, where parents, when their children are teenagers, must always monitor them and don't be embarrassed to talk about sexuality issues with their children because in this digital age, this has to be discussed openly. Then teachers and parents must work together to improve today's promiscuity by holding outreach.

Author Biography

Rais Aufar, Universitas Malikussaleh

Master of Law Student


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