Achieving Peace, Justice And Strong Institutions Through Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


  • Naldian Pratama Universitas Malikussaleh


Peace, Justice, UN, SDGs


Peace and conflict is the problem still remains become world burden up to moment this. the amount issues peace will Keep going become global problems that are not will Once lost in this world. Justice is things to do done through strong institutions. When the agency That strong so justice That will appear to surface, the Institution must Can overcome conflict humanity that exists in the world through international institutions with to do peace and justice, Crisis humanity and peace in Palestine is one of the factor Why peace and integration of the country becomes one of focus by vision and mission of the UN. The UN is one of the receptacle world meeting and means For create world order provides room for all over world leaders for give solution on problem the. One of agreement and mission from the UN in time lately This for the world and nature universe is the birth of SDGs. Point 16 of SDGs is (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions). Aims For promote peace, justice, and strong institutions . These goals covers subtraction violence, access equivalent to system law, and peace . The height of violence armed and feeling unarmed safe own impact damaging to the development of the country, SDG seeks reduce all form violence in a way significant, and working with government and community For find solution term long face conflict and feelings of dissatisfaction safe. Strengthen rule law and reduce circulation weapon illegal and strengthening participation of developing countries in global institutions and governance.

Author Biography

Naldian Pratama, Universitas Malikussaleh

Faculty of Law


Journal Connection International Vol. 2 No. 2 / October 2013

Ricky Banke, Catherine Aureulli Chandra, Making It Happen Peace Through the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, Law Pro Justitia Journal Vol. Vi No. 2 – June 2021

Maurina Suryaning Pertiwi, Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ) and their Realization Peace In The World Vol. 6 No. 1 July 2023, Journal Social Work

The story of Cintia Damanik, Herlina Tarigan , Ari Pitoyo , Hikmat Zakky Almubarak , Peace , Justice and Strong Institutions ( SDGs Goal 16) as the National Defense Goal of the Republic of Indonesia in Facing the Demographic Bonus Year 2030, Journal Knowledge Social Sciences , 10 (7) (2023)

Journal Connection International Vol. 2 No. 2 / October 2013 / accessed on September 1 , 2024 . accessed on September 1 , 2024


