The Status of Proving Electronic Land Certificates Based on The Regulation of The Minister of ATR/BPN Number 1 of 2021 About Electronic Certificates
Electronic Land Certificate, Ministerial RegulationAbstract
The danger that threatens physical land certificates is the reason for the birth of STE, the legal basis for STE is the Ministerial Regulation of ATR/BPN Number 1 of 2021 concerning Electronic Certificates. This study aims to find out the position of STE based on the Ministerial Regulation and the position of STE as evidence in court. The type of normative legal research, legal approach, conceptual approach, descriptive in nature, this research is in the form of an exploratory assessment. The results of this study show that the evidentiary position of STE based on the Minister of ATR/BPN Number 1 of 2021 is one of the ministerial regulations whose existence has been recognized, has binding legal force, this STE does not delete physical land certificates. The position of STE is equivalent to the position of physical land certificates. The evidentiary position of STE as evidence in court is based on the legal basis of STE, namely the Law and other regulations, the evidentiary position of STE in court is a recognized evidence (an extension of evidence in Indonesia), and has legal force as long as the process of issuing STE is carried out in accordance with the Ministerial Regulation of ATR/BPN Number 1 of 2021. Advice that can be given to the government and relevant authorities to continue to monitor and evaluate the land system which has now switched to electronic, because the increasingly advanced technology is accompanied by technological hackers who are increasingly prevalent, so to avoid that it is specifically for the authorized officials to continue to periodically check their security systems. The use of STE can be said to be the latest innovation in the land system, the authorized officials should also promote socialization to the community so that the public can know the changes in the current land system.
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