Refugee Settlement Based on Local Custom Values (Study of Rohingya Refugees in Aceh)


  • Malahayati Rahman Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Yulia Yulia Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Mukhlis Mukhlis Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh



Local wisdom, Aceh, Rohingya, Refugee Settlement


The purpose of this paper is to describe the method of handling Rohingya refugees in Aceh Province, Indonesia. The increasing number of Rohingya refugees entering Indonesia encouraged the government to find effective and efficient ways to deal with them as long as they were under the protection of the Indonesian Government. Aceh is one of the areas which many Rohingya refugees have been entering so far. This is done to provide an overview of the history and development of handling Rohingya refugees in Indonesia, especially in Aceh Province. The strategic policy for handling refugees was obtained from field research in Aceh. The method used is juridical empirical using an interview method using purposive sampling to obtain primary ingredients. This paper discusses the history and development of handling Rohingya refugees in Aceh Province. Suggestions given are expected to be one of the alternative solutions in solving problems of social interaction that arise between fellow refugees, as well as between refugees and the surrounding community, while in the shelter location. The approach to local wisdom can be used as a solution to reduce the negative impact of the existence of Rohingya refugees in Aceh so far. The study of the role of local wisdom can explain the various challenges in handling mass refugees globally today. The solutions offered in this paper can increase the role of local wisdom in handling refugees with social justice in Indonesia. The handling of Rohingya refugees by the Aceh Government based on the local wisdom approach has never been published so far.


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