The Concept Of Criminal Warning Against Children In Conflict With The Law


  • Zul Akli Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Jummadi Saputra Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Anhar Nasution Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh



Criminal Warning, Children, System of Criminal, Justice Children


Fundamentally, Children can’t be protected themselves from many kinds of action thay can raise the mental, physyc and social lossin many aspect of life and cost of living. The children should be assisted by other person for protecting themselves, Reminding the siuation and condition, Specially in Implementation of Children Justice that was strange for them. The children need to get the protection from the application of wrong laws using and treated to them, that cause the loss of  mental, physyc and social. Warning crime actionis on of the lawa product in Indonesia Laws No 11 in 2012 about the justice system of children criminal offence that was made and implemented. This study research has an objective to explain the decision and formulation of criminalin Indonesia Laws of Children Justice System, Understanding and explaining the concept for criminal warningfor children that was conflictedby law, also to comprehen and explain briefly The criminal warningfor children in reducing the number of convicted children who has the problem with justice conflicted with the law


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