Conception of Implementing the Law of Selling in Aceh (Research Study in Lhokseumawe City and Central Aceh)


  • Sulaiman Sulaiman Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Faisal Faisal 2Faculty of Law, Universitas Malikussaleh



Concept of implementing the law, Selling in Aceh.


The use of concepts of Islamic law, customary law and civil law in Aceh in sale and purchase agreements is still used. The process of consent and consent is carried out by the people of Aceh with the belief that the concept of buying and selling is legal under state law as well as legal under religious law. In reality on the ground the people of Aceh are predominantly Muslim and rich in culture, but in buying and selling transactions of land and house objects they still combine these three legal concepts. The concept of Islamic law and customary law is in accordance with the form of autonomy given especially in the field of religion and custom, so the opportunity to produce legal products such as Qanuns that regulate mua'malah is widely practiced in the midst of Acehnese society. The value system embodied in the concepts of Islamic law and customary law has a great opportunity to produce legal products in the form of Qanuns by the provincial, district and city governments within the jurisdiction of the province of Aceh. The formation of qanuns in the field of buying and selling must also be colored by the three legal concepts that already exist in Acehnese society. So the formation of Qanun accommodates all legal concepts that live in Aceh both Islamic law, customary law and civil law.


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