Hospital Responsibilities in Medical Services Based on Law no. 17 of 2023 concerning Health and Islamic Law


  • Ulvi Nabila univesitas malikussaleh
  • Manfarisyah Manfarisyah univesitas malikussaleh
  • muhammad hatta univesitas malikussaleh



Hospital, Responsibility, Medical_services, Islamic, Law.


The hospital as one of the health service facilities is part of the health resources that have a vital role
in creating a plenary health organization. Patient Safety Goals (SKP) have become a global issue in
health services in hospitals so that they require special attention in their implementation. In addition
to the SKP, each hospital also has an SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) that must be fulfilled by
every worker, in this case the doctors at the hospital. When all procedures have been carried out and
fulfilled by workers, the work provider, in this case the hospital, is obliged to protect their workers
and how it is related with islamic law as an Indonesian way of life. The purpose of this study is to find
out the legal responsibility of hospitals for medical accidents that occur in their hospitals according
to Law No. 17 of 2023 and Islamic Law. The results of this study are that hospitals as providers of
health services are required to implement hospital governance and clinical governance so that it can
avoid problems with work accidents that might occur. So that the management of doctors and other
workers must be good with the ultimate goal of increasing the health standard of the Indonesian
people. Its fundamental in islamic way how important is health and trustworthiness in our lives
especially if it connected with other lives


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