New and Renewable Energy Policy Implementation for Sustainable Development


  • Najuasah putra univesitas malikussaleh
  • Nur Afina ulya Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya



Policy Implementation, Renewable energy, Sustainable Development


Humans are the driving force in all activities on this earth, for this reason human individuality is an important point, to accelerate himself and hone his skills properly, in order to optimize his function as an individual creature. Besides that, because humans also live in society (Zoon Politicon) they must also contribute to the order of life of society and the state as mandated by the constitution, the existence of control and exploitation of natural resources that are fundamental to the life of the nation and state is carried out by the state, including energy natural resources that can be encouraging the growth and improvement of just law, as well as the application of new and renewable energy policies for sustainable development in Indonesia. Based on constitutional support and the need for a legal umbrella to protect new and renewable energy, it is necessary to regulate it comprehensively. This study aims to determine the application of new renewable energy policies for sustainable development. This research method uses a normative juridical research method with a case approach and statutory approach (statute approach). The implementation of new renewable energy policies for sustainable development shows that it has not been optimally implemented, especially in Indonesia, while Indonesia has the potential for large sources of new and renewable energy. However, utilization of this potential is still not maximized due to technological limitations and economic considerations. The business scheme and types of new renewable energy generators which are still small scale are not yet optimal, and the interconnection system is still limited. Therefore, the need for an important urgency in regulating the application of new and renewable energy policies for sustainable development must have a legal basis in its implementation.


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