
  • Raina Dahlia univesitas malikussaleh
  • Manfarisyah Manfarisyah univesitas malikussaleh
  • hamdani hamdani univesitas malikussaleh



: Legal consequences, signature, business transactions


A digital signature is essentially an electronic version of a traditional signature found on a physics document. In accordance with the ITE Law, a digital signature is a collection of electronic data that is connected, affiliated, or related to other electronic information. Its function is used as an authentication and verification method. The aim of this research is to examine the potential legal consequences arising from the use of inappropriate or unauthorized digital signatures in business transactions. This research uses normative juridical studies or uses library legal data. Library research is a study that focuses on users of secondary data or includes written legal norms and/or interviews with informants and sources. Regarding the legal impact of misuse of digital signatures in business transactions, it is important to remember that such misuse can result in losses for the person signing the document, it is important for them to comply with the requirements outlined in the relevant laws. In this case, a digital signature can be considered to have the same validity and legal consequences as a handwritten signature, provided that the identity of the individual associated with the digital signature is established with a high degree of certainty and that the signature itself was created, in accordance with article 27 verse (1), (2), (3) and (4) if related to Islamic law, where taking another person's rights without the owner's knowledge is an act that is prohibited by religion and is not recommended in the Shari'a.


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